几道类似脑经急转弯的题目.急.2.Danielle travels around Europe.She likes Paris,but not London.She likes Frankfurt,but not Bonn.She likes Amsterdam,but not Barcelona.Do you think she will like St.Petersburg?Give your reasom,pleasi.丹妮尔

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 22:35:39
几道类似脑经急转弯的题目.急.2.Danielle travels around Europe.She likes Paris,but not London.She likes Frankfurt,but not Bonn.She likes Amsterdam,but not Barcelona.Do you think she will like St.Petersburg?Give your reasom,pleasi.丹妮尔

几道类似脑经急转弯的题目.急.2.Danielle travels around Europe.She likes Paris,but not London.She likes Frankfurt,but not Bonn.She likes Amsterdam,but not Barcelona.Do you think she will like St.Petersburg?Give your reasom,pleasi.丹妮尔
2.Danielle travels around Europe.She likes Paris,but not London.She likes Frankfurt,but not Bonn.She likes Amsterdam,but not Barcelona.Do you think she will like St.Petersburg?Give your reasom,pleasi.
3.There is a connection between the house numbers and the names of the people who live there.Wrete the number of the last fouse,please.
1.Tony 20 2.Laura 12 3.Philip 16 4.Sophia
5.A little girl lives with her family om the tenth floor of a building.Every morning she goes down to the ground floor.She does not walkk down,but she goes down in the lift.Then she goes to schopl.She comes back from school in the afternoon and she getsinto the lift on the groud floor.She goes up in the lift but she storps at the eighth floor.She gets out and walks up to the tenthfloor.Why does walk from the eighth floor?

几道类似脑经急转弯的题目.急.2.Danielle travels around Europe.She likes Paris,but not London.She likes Frankfurt,but not Bonn.She likes Amsterdam,but not Barcelona.Do you think she will like St.Petersburg?Give your reasom,pleasi.丹妮尔
题目1:圣彼得堡与欧洲其他城市最大差别在于,所有欧洲首都名称均为一个字 ,并且仅拥有一个含义;然而圣彼得堡的名称却来自于三个不同的起源.
题目2:真心不知道- - .囧.
题目3:因为小女孩个子矮,按不到电梯10 的按钮.

几道类似脑经急转弯的题目.急.2.Danielle travels around Europe.She likes Paris,but not London.She likes Frankfurt,but not Bonn.She likes Amsterdam,but not Barcelona.Do you think she will like St.Petersburg?Give your reasom,pleasi.丹妮尔 第二长的英语单词是脑筋急转弯脑筋急转弯脑筋急转弯脑筋脑筋急转弯急转脑筋急转弯弯脑筋急转弯脑筋急转弯脑筋急转弯脑筋急转弯脑筋急转弯脑筋急转弯脑筋急转弯脑筋急脑筋急转弯脑 大雁为什么向南方飞?脑经急转弯的题目! 1+1等于几? 脑经急转弯 1+1=几 脑经急转弯 Intelligence Test类似脑经急转弯的英语题目Only one set of letters below can be arranged into a five letter English word.Can you find the word?BYRDI TONET PUITN RUGNE 急求一些数学思维逻辑方面脑筋急转弯的题目,越多越好,要有答案的噢.(就比如像这样类似的,从甲地到...急求一些数学思维逻辑方面脑筋急转弯的题目,越多越好,要有答案的噢.(就比如像这 类似的题目20道 一道脑经急转弯:1+7=1这个算式在什么时候成立,你能编出几道类似的问题吗 谁有小学一、二、三年级的脑经急转弯的题目或智力题.越多越好. 几道脑筋急转弯题~ 123456789这几个数 1378,59,246,这三组是按什么规律分的脑经急转弯 【急】,题目是“遇见”自己作的词,类似宋词 给我100道脑筋急转弯题目急,我想猜猜看,最好是选择题! 脑经急转弯 珠穆朗玛峰上点蜡烛 谁知道答案 急~~~~ 出5道类似的题目, 关于多边形的有趣的练习题----------------类似脑筋急转弯 类似 北极熊为什么吃不到企鹅 的脑筋急转弯吗