我是学生 没时间对 自己做完了不知对错.Fill the blanks with the correct words.many / much / more / little / less / few / fewer1.We have to do too _______ homework every day.2.There are _________ cars and buses at this time every day.3.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 13:00:46
我是学生 没时间对 自己做完了不知对错.Fill the blanks with the correct words.many / much / more / little / less / few / fewer1.We have to do too _______ homework every day.2.There are _________ cars and buses at this time every day.3.

我是学生 没时间对 自己做完了不知对错.Fill the blanks with the correct words.many / much / more / little / less / few / fewer1.We have to do too _______ homework every day.2.There are _________ cars and buses at this time every day.3.
我是学生 没时间对 自己做完了不知对错
.Fill the blanks with the correct words.
many / much / more / little / less / few / fewer
1.We have to do too _______ homework every day.
2.There are _________ cars and buses at this time every day.
3.To keep healthy,you should eat less junk food and do ________ exercise.
4.I do ________ housework than my parents.I am always busy with my homework.
5.Be more careful!And you will make _________ mistakes.
6.I think there will be _____ pollution in the future.Our world will be more and more beautiful.
7.The math problem is so hard that ______ of us can work it out.
8.She knows ________ English,so she can’t understand the words on the bottle.
few / a few / little / a little
9.There are __________ students in the classroom.Almost all the students are on the playground.
10.Hurry up!We have ________ time left.
11.Don’t worry!We still have ___________ money left.
12.She was sad because she make quite _____________ mistakes in the math test.

我是学生 没时间对 自己做完了不知对错.Fill the blanks with the correct words.many / much / more / little / less / few / fewer1.We have to do too _______ homework every day.2.There are _________ cars and buses at this time every day.3.
1~6 1much 2many 3more 4 more 5fewer 6less
7~12 7few 8 little 9few 10little 11 a little 12a few

我是学生 没时间对 自己做完了不知对错.Fill the blanks with the correct words.many / much / more / little / less / few / fewer1.We have to do too _______ homework every day.2.There are _________ cars and buses at this time every day.3. 求2010年北京市春季会考数学试卷的答案,做完了想对一下对错 看看自己的水平 作业做完了没? 英语老师要求做PPT、、主题自定.纠结中.做什么比较好呢?给点意见我想想吧.我是学生- - 大二的.那个老师布置的作业.没灵感我对自己老师不熟悉的251872310@qq.com 没时间,马上就完了! 英语演讲ppt我是个freshman.最近挺忙,没时间自己做了,麻烦发我邮箱xuxingping19910105@126.com 人教版 不知道的不要说什么自己做什么的,有时间我早做完了 我已经自己做完了 初一怎样提高数学成绩我是个初一的学生,对自己的数学不是很满意、今天考试120分钟,老师只给了75分钟、有两张试卷,只做了前面一张,后面一张全是难题、但因为时间关系乜没有做、 读书读不进去.读书对我实在是份煎熬 出去又不知道做什么 搬砖这种活我是不会干的 别说什么磨练自己 这种活干到死 都是个搬砖的 也别劝我什么好好读书 不读书没前途的 这些我不是不知 做完了,没答案可以对,麻烦各位能帮下小弟!小弟感激不尽 每个人都有自己的生活空间,我不想去羡慕别人.最近突然感悟,不知对错,二十四,没谈过恋爱,而同宿舍几个人都有对象,每天都在我面前对象长媳妇短的,而我只是在心里想他们无聊,而别人对我 我是学生,对自己喜欢的女生的空间留言该留些什么? 英语学习中的困惑您好,我是一名大2的学生,以前学习英语很有语感,但不知怎么的,没好好学,现在想好好学英语了,却没有了语感,看到一个句子,只能死记住,过几天就忘记了,自己想当一名翻译, 我是一个高二学生,学习很努力了,上课基本很认真,作业认真做,为什么考试考不好?我是一个高二学生,学习很努力了,上课基本很认真,作业认真做,原来在初中学习还可以,上高中一直觉得自己没 请问磁力板有什么特点?我是做化工的但是对磁力板不知 作业写得慢,数学思维不行,我是广东深圳的高一学生,学校布置得做很很多.晚上7点开始自习,10点20结束.我常常是6点半就开始写.可悲的是,(一般来说)有些人9点多就写完了所有作业,还有时间 请问下面两个句子哪个是病句.我是一名中考学生,刚刚考完了语文 对一道题目有困惑.AB选项是错的,所以不摘抄.C:贝克汉姆拿到冠军后宣布即将退役,停止自己的职业生涯.D:现在,不少年轻人