
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 00:47:20


Bell Boy

beii man

luggage clerk of pub

porter 大学英语里面有一篇课文专讲这个

?? Useful Expressions
?? 1、Excuse me. Which one is your bag?
?? 2、Is this bag yours?
?? 3、I’ve come for your luggage.
?? 4、I hope you will dropin again!<...


?? Useful Expressions
?? 1、Excuse me. Which one is your bag?
?? 2、Is this bag yours?
?? 3、I’ve come for your luggage.
?? 4、I hope you will dropin again!
?? 5、This is your claim tag.
?? 6、May I help you with your luggage?
?? 7、What else can I do for you?
?? 8、Gould you sigh here?
?? 9、Breakfast is on the first floor, from 7:00am to 9:00am.
?? 10、Is your luggage will be here shortly?
?? 11、How long will you leave the luggage here?
?? 12、Let me take it please!
?? 13、May I have your tag, please?
?? 14、What’s your room number?
?? 15、 Toilet is turn left.
?? 16、How many pieces (of luggage ) do you have.
?? 17、In our hotel we don’t accept tips. Thank you all the same.
?? 18、I hope you will enjoy you’re stay.
?? 19、Have a nice trip.
?? 20、Are these your luggage.
?? Conversation
?? A
?? Bellman: Good afternoon. Madam. Welcome to our hotel.
?? Guest: Good afternoon.
?? B: May I help you with your luggage, madam?
?? G: Yes, please!
?? B: Please Just a moment, I’ll get a luggage cart. madam…….Thank you for waiting. I’ll show you to the front desk. This way, please.
?? G: Thank you!
?? B: You’re welcome.
?? B
?? Bellman: Madam. May I have your room card, please?
?? Guest: Yes. Here you are.
?? B: Thank you. your room is on the 10th floor. This way please……(take a elevator ).Your room is here, after you (go into the room).
?? G: Thank you very much.
?? B: Not at all. Where would you like me to put your luggage.
?? G: Anywhere. If you like.
?? B: Please check it. Is it the right number of your luggage?
?? G: Oh, Yes, It’s very correct. There’s something for you.
?? B: It’s very kind of you. But we can’t accept tips. Thank you all the same. Please enjoy your stay, Good-bye.
?? G: Good-bye.
