mary is no longer the girl that she used to be 关系代词在哪里的从句中作表语

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 01:36:31
mary is no longer the girl that she used to be 关系代词在哪里的从句中作表语

mary is no longer the girl that she used to be 关系代词在哪里的从句中作表语
mary is no longer the girl that she used to be 关系代词在哪里的从句中作表语

mary is no longer the girl that she used to be 关系代词在哪里的从句中作表语
1.He is no longer the man (that) he was.他已经不是过去的他了.
2.He will become the man which the Party wants him to be.他将成为党所期望的那种人.
说明:关系代词作be 的表语,且先行词是特指时,关系代词通常用that(不用who或which)或省略
She was not the beautiful girl (that) she used to be.她已经不是过去那个漂亮姑娘了.
He looked like a teacher which he was.他像个老师,而他也的确是个老师.

此句是一个由 that 引导定语从句,先行词是girl, that she used to be 是定语从句 that 作从句中的表语。