成语1.谈街_ _2.怨天_ _3.瓜甜_ _4.金科_ _前后同义的成语!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 08:28:46
成语1.谈街_ _2.怨天_ _3.瓜甜_ _4.金科_ _前后同义的成语!

成语1.谈街_ _2.怨天_ _3.瓜甜_ _4.金科_ _前后同义的成语!
成语1.谈街_ _2.怨天_ _3.瓜甜_ _4.金科_ _

成语1.谈街_ _2.怨天_ _3.瓜甜_ _4.金科_ _前后同义的成语!
怨天尤人 金科玉律 也可以说是 金科玉臬 金科玉条

成语1.谈街_ _2.怨天_ _3.瓜甜_ _4.金科_ _前后同义的成语! 英语单词添1._ e a _2._ _ e a _3._ _ e a _ _4.a _ _ 5._ a _ _6._ _ a _ _ 7._ _ _ a _ _ 填上合适的字母使它们成为英语单词1._ _ _th_ _2._ _ th_ _3._ _ th_ _4._ _ _th5._ _ _th6._ _th 成语互对:1.枪林弹雨_2.水中捞月_3.灯红酒绿_4.改邪归正_5.动如脱兔_我也不知道啥意思,看着填就行了! you father is your_ _ _ _ _ _ _还有.1.Your father's father is your_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2.Your grandpa is your mother's_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.Your mother's husband is your_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.Your cou's father is your_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5.Your father's sister is your_ Please use the clues to spell four four-letter words.1.time gone by _ as _2.move quickly _ as _3.opposite of west _ as _4.after all others _ as _ 1.行_无_2._势利_ 10道初一英语句型题1.My father often takes a bus to work(同义句)My father _ _ _ _ _2.My favourite festival is Halloween.I like _ _3.He buys his brother a model train.He buys _ _ _ _ his brother.划线部分提问1.Teachers'Day is on Septe 英语翻译1、an interesting place to go or thing to do_ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _2、talk with someone and ask him or her questions about something_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3、under the surface of the ground_ _ _ e _ _ _ o _ n _4、something that gives people ple 五年级寒假新时空40页第2道!列方程求出X.例:1._输入9_ →乘X→_9X_→减40→_输出5_2._输入X_→除于5→_ _→加9→_输出21_3._输入48_→减27→_ _→加5X→_输出31_ 春风中的杨柳枝像_?1.春风中的杨柳枝像_2.夏天的阳光像_3.秋天的白杨像_4.冬天的田野像_5.早晨的太阳像_6.傍晚的炊烟像_ 补填成语1.在下列横线上添入恰当的反义词,组成成语.挑_拣_ 举足__ 眼_手_ _肉_食 三_两_ _非_比 大_不_ 去_存_ 危在__ 求_存_2.在下列横线上填入恰当的同义词或者同类词,组成成语.满腹__ 唇_舌_ 增加一个字母,把单词变成另一个单词,并写出其汉语意思1.all_ _2.back_ _3.it_ _4.on_ _5.and_ _6.here_ _7ten_ _8.how_ _ 一.读字母组合.你能写出更多发音相同的单词吗?1、00 boots se _ _2、ou group p _ _3、tw twelvein_ _ 4、tr tre ain _ _ _代表写一个单词.加上有问号的一共三个单词.5、ea clean t _ _ 6、ay today _ _ 7、air hair ch? (_2分之一)_(_3又4分之一)+(+2又4分之3)-(+5又2分之一怎么算) 数独计算_ _ 9 7 _ _ _ _ _2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 __ _ 1 5 _ _ _ _ 4_ 3 _ _ 1 _ 4 _ _1 _ _ 9 _ _ _ _ 8_ _ 2 _ _ _ _ 3 _6 _ _ _ _ 3 5 _ __ 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ 7_ _ _ _ _ 5 2 _ _ 1.已知分式5/x²-2x+3 当x_时分式有最_值是_ 2.分式2/5-x²-4x当x_时分式有最_值是_1.已知分式5/x²-2x+3 当x_时分式有最_值是_2.分式2/5-x²-4x当x_时分式有最_值是_3.根式 根号下 x²-4x+5 当 1.杨柳岸_村2.鸟归沙有迹_过水无_3.山间明月_青峰4.明月松间照_石上_5.白马秋风塞上_江南