普罗旺斯的英文介绍?我英文不好的,是要做英语的show and tell谢谢.要在五分钟之内可以念完的.不要太长.如果符合我意,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 10:17:59
普罗旺斯的英文介绍?我英文不好的,是要做英语的show and tell谢谢.要在五分钟之内可以念完的.不要太长.如果符合我意,

普罗旺斯的英文介绍?我英文不好的,是要做英语的show and tell谢谢.要在五分钟之内可以念完的.不要太长.如果符合我意,
我英文不好的,是要做英语的show and tell谢谢.要在五分钟之内可以念完的.不要太长.如果符合我意,

普罗旺斯的英文介绍?我英文不好的,是要做英语的show and tell谢谢.要在五分钟之内可以念完的.不要太长.如果符合我意,
Historical, cultural, and governmental region, southeast-coastal France.
Provence was part of Roman Gallia Narbonensis. With the breakdown of the Roman Empire in the late 5th century, it was invaded successively by the Visigoths, Burgundians, and Ostrogoths. It came under the rule of the Franks с 536. During the 13th century it was involved in the Albigensian Crusade. It was united with the French crown in 1481. The language of Provence, Provençal, was important in medieval literature, and Provence's Romanesque architecture was an outstanding cultural achievement of the Middle Ages. The region suffered in the 16th-century Wars of Religion. In 1790, during the French Revolution, it lost its political institutions and was divided into several départements. The historical region of Provence is roughly coextensive with the present-day région of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (pop., 1999: 4,506,151), which has an area of 12,124 sq mi (31,400 sq km) and its capital at Marseille.
普罗旺斯 Provence

The French colony of Nouvelle Provence occupies the largest part of the continent of Arcadie, sharing the continent with newly independent Freihafen and Azania's Tundukubwa. Nouvelle...


The French colony of Nouvelle Provence occupies the largest part of the continent of Arcadie, sharing the continent with newly independent Freihafen and Azania's Tundukubwa. Nouvelle Provence is the most populous and prosperous part of Tirane, with a population that mirrors the diversity of the French Empire on Earth. Nouvelle Provence is officially a part of Metropolitan France in the same way as European France, Algeria and Zaire are, and plays the same role on Tirane and France does on Earth. First amongst equals.
Nouvelle Provence is home to many astounding sights. The capital of Mirambeau is the undisputed cultural centre of the new world, and is home to the prestigious Université de Tirane. Arcadie is the only continent to be home to Tirane's sauropods and the majestic Fon, which draw tourists and scientists in equal measure. Whilst high above Nouvelle Provence are the starship yards that produce the merchants and warships that maintain the French Empire's power across human space and buttress humanity against the Kafer threat.
Whilst Nouvelle Provence is a loyalist heartland proud of its place in the French Empire there are some secessionists at work in the colony. The fall of the 12th Republic effected Tirane as well as Earth and the military government introduced several heavy handed measures in Nouvelle Provence which caused serious resentment. The Nouvelle Provençal people voted en-masse for Ruffin and the Empire and his reforms have relieved much of the pressure, yet a small and dedicated band of secessionists remain. Nouvelle Provence as a whole is a bastion of resistance to the Tiranista cause across Tirane and looks on with concern at events in Freihafen, Wellon and Tirania.
Nouvelle Provence: Flora and Fauna - by Christopher Lee
Les Vins de la Nouvelle Provence - by Christopher Lee
Nouvelle Provence is renowned for its wines. This article covers them all and the history of viticulture in the colony.
Cities of Nouvelle Provence
Mirambeau, Le Coeur de la Nouvelle Provence - by Christopher Lee
Mirambeau is the capital city of Nouvelle Provence and the unofficial capital of Tirane herself - home to 22 million people and many of the world's most important cultural institutions. The city is a microcosm of the Empire; reflecting all that is good and bad in the French Imperium. (Note: This article is still under construction.)



Provence is a former Roman province and is now a region of southeastern France, located on the Mediterranean Sea adjacent to France's border with Italy. It is now part of the administrative région of ...


Provence is a former Roman province and is now a region of southeastern France, located on the Mediterranean Sea adjacent to France's border with Italy. It is now part of the administrative région of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. The traditional region of Provence encompasses the départements of Var, Vaucluse, and Bouches-du-Rhône in addition to parts of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Alpes-Maritimes.
Provence is bounded by the Alps to the east and the Rhône River to the west, with the Mediterranean Sea providing its southern border. It has an unusually varied physical aspect, with landscapes ranging from fertile plains in the Rhône valley, to mountains in the east (notably Mont Ventoux, the Luberon and the Alpilles) and marshlands in the south (the Camargue).
The Principality of Monaco is nestled between Nice and Italy. Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Avignon and Arles are other cities of importance in Provence. Marseille is by far the largest city in Provence, and is the chef-lieu (capital city) of both the Bouches-du-Rhône département and of the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur région.
The climate of Provence is typically Mediterranean, warm and dry. The Mistral is a strong, cold wind from the north that occurs mostly in the winter and spring


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