
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 02:36:36


In a concealed village,a young man hides within a bunch of leaves.His name is Uzumaki Naruto,a mischievous boy attending Ninja Academy.
Everyday,he does nothing but cause mischief and making Iruka-sensei mad.And above all,it's doubtful that he'll be able to graduate from the Academy.But Naruto has a dream...A dream that he'll become the head of the Ninja village,following Hokage and will become the best ninja around.
However,all the adults in the village give Naruto cold looks.The truth is,Naruto has a secret about his birth.12 years ago,"Kyuubi no Youko" (Nine Tailed Fox - A kind of evil spirit who tormented the village,was sealed within Naruto's body who was,at the time,a baby.The head of the academy,Mizuki,uses Naruto to steal the "Fuujin Scrolls" and makes Naruto understand his past.Naruto is outraged.
Even with Iruka's help,Naruto just barely defeats Mizuki.Knowing Naruto's secret,Iruka knows Naruto will meet someone who'll help him and so,makes a decision.Naruto is allowed to graduate safely from Ninja Academy.Along with his classmates,Uchiwa Sasuke and Haruno Sakura together,they make their first step as Ninjas!
其他的参看左边 naruto-kun information 栏

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