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Book 5 Modules 3-4参考答案及部分解析(14期)
1-5 ABBCD 6-10 BBDAC
11-15 BDBCA 16-20 BADCB
21-25 CADCB 26-30 BADDC
31-35 DBCBD 36-40 BAABA
41-45 CDDBD 46-50 BADDB
51-55 FGADB
56. Because her interests were different from the other kids’.
57. At the end of a country road.
58. She felt as though the horse was already her friend.
59. Midnight.
60. He didn’t have a friend before.
61. ... but I have ... but → and / so
62. In the fact ... 去掉the
63. ... to making the ... making → make
64. ... my friend ... friend → friends
65. ... enjoy us greatly. us → ourselves
66. ... watched a movie ... watched → watch
67. ... help me with ... help前加to
68. ... for the bookstore ... for → to
69. ... work hardly ... hardly → hard
70. ... the newer week. newer → new
One possible version:
Good afternoon, everyone!
There is no denying the fact that everyone is in pursuit of happiness. But what is happiness on earth? Many people believe that if they have a lot of money, they will surely be happy. However, that's not necessarily true. Personally, I think being rich and having plenty of material possessions aren't what happiness is all about. I lay more stress on good health, a warm family and spiritual wealth. A person must be in good health to be happy. A warm family is also very important to a happy state of mind. Happiness also comes from a confident and aggressive attitude to life.
To achieve happiness, we should maintain good health and love our family. At the same time we should work hard to obtain both spiritual wealth and material possessions.
Thank you for listening!
1. A.由There were many bottles of beer in the refrigerator 可知,“你本没必要再买”,故选needn’t.
2. B.空格后的句子是idea 的具体内 容,且不缺少任何成分,故用that 引导同位语从句. 3. B.demand 后的宾语从句中谓语常用 “should +动词原形”,should可省略.
4. C.逗号后为定语从句,修饰先行词 daughters,且the second 与daughters 之间为所属关系,故用of whom.
5. D.pretend 后常跟不定式,且由when his father came in 可知,应用不定式的进行式.
6. B.由makes 可知,应用现在时;且 resemble(与……相似)不用于进行时和被动语态,故用resembles.
7. B.由I’m sorry, sir 可知,“靠窗的桌 子已经被预订”,故用现在完成时的被动语态.
8. D.由secondly 可知,应用To start with(首先).
9. A.题意:莉萨神情茫然,什么也没说, 似乎(as if)这个问题很难回答.
10. C.由The concert is about to begin 可知,应用Get a move on! (快点吧!)
话题:学校生活 本文是记叙文.高中毕业时,有人送了作者一个医药包作为礼物,没想到 这个医药包帮助作者在大学结交了很多 新朋友.
11. B.根据下文中作者回忆高中毕业 派对可推测,这里指作者在“大学 (college)”的第一周.
12. D.既然有人在问谁有绷带,很“显 然(apparently)”有人忘带绷带了.
13. B.根据下句中的gift 可知,作者在 高中毕业派对上收到了很多“礼物 (gifts)”.
14. C.根据下句中的I frowned 以及段 末作者发出的疑问可推测,作者觉 得这个礼物很“奇怪(strange)”.
15. A.作者觉得这个礼物奇怪,但是妈 妈“指出(pointed out)”这个礼物在学校会有用的. 16. B.这个礼物是药品,再根据every cough 可推测,妈妈说如果有了这个礼物,作者就不需要每次因为咳嗽 而找学校的“护士(nurse)”.
17. A.作者认为妈妈说得有道理,“然 而(However)”,作者一到学校就几乎忘记了这个礼物.
18. D.19. C.“当(When)”有人问谁有 绷带时,作者才“想起来(remembered)” 自己的医药包.
20. B.于是作者说自己“有(have)”绷 带.
21. C.很快很多女生都知道作者有医 药包,纷纷来“拜访(visited)”作者.
22. A.作者应该是从自己的医药包内取了一些止痛药“递给(passed)”那个头疼的女生.
23. D.根据下文的friendships 可推测,每个来拜访作者的女生都会停留一会儿跟作者“聊天(chat)”,慢慢大家就成了朋友.
24. C.根据上文作者发出的疑问Who would give that as a gift?可知,作者曾经“质疑过(questioned)”这个礼 物.
25. B.这个医药包礼物不仅能帮助退烧,还有“破冰”的功效,“让(allowing)” 作者结识了很多新朋友.
26. B.根据本句中的dangerously outdated medicines 可推测,作者毕业以后,把这些过期的药物都“扔了(threw)”.
27. A.作者开始了自己的新生活,逐渐忘了那个医药包是“怎样(how)”帮助自己交到朋友的.
28. D.根据下句内容可知,作者“收到了(received)”一份派对的邀请.
29. D.上文就是作者的“回忆(Memories)” .
30. C.作者开车去药店时,“明确地(exactly)”知道自己要送这位即将高中毕业的朋友什么礼物.
31. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的The story ... help them by doing something small or seemingly unimportant 可知,Jason Wright 鼓励人们通过做一些小事来帮助他人.
32. B.细节理解题.由第四段中的 I'm sure he missed treating himself to a few slices of pizza 可知,作者知道,她哥哥是用省下的零用钱给她买的花.
33. C.推理判断题.由第三段中的I ... was the only person on the planet 可推测,作者刚刚迈进大学校园时感到很孤独.
34. B.写作目的题.由第一段中的I want to share it with you 和a must-read for all teens 以及最后一段中的I suggest each of you teenagers read “The Seventeen Second Miracle” 可知,本文的目的是向青少年推荐一本好书.
35. D.细节理解题.根据第一段中的 Later, when my family hit a difficult time ... understand more about our family's finances可知答案.
36. B.细节理解题.由第二段中的 money remains among the lowest priorities in conversations between parents and their children 和后面的数据可知,当今的美国家长不愿意跟小孩子谈论钱的问题.
37. A.推理判断题.由第三段中的But discussing money ... manage their own 和Having regular family conversations ... a healthy relationship with money 可知,作者认为跟孩子谈论钱的问题是很有必要的.
38. A.读者对象题.由文中多处出现的your kids 和your children 可推测,本文主要是写给父母的.
39. B.主旨大意题.本文主要介绍了如何申请亚马逊公司的工作.文章分为两大部分:Getting Started 和 Completing Your Application,第一部分介绍如何开始申请,第二部分介绍如何完成申请.
40. A.细节理解题.由第一部分Getting Started 中的If you are a returning visitor ... to access your Careers account 及If you are a new user, you will be asked to create a Careers account 可知,如果是新会员,要创建一个职业账户才能申请工作,如果是老会员,也要登录了自己的职业账户后才能申请工作.
41. C.推理判断题.由第二部分Completing Your Application 第3 条中的 Answer a few additional questions about yourself and your experience 可知,职业问卷的问题主要集中在求职者本人及以往经历两个方面,由此可推测C项最不可能被问到.
42. D.细节理解题.由第二部分Completing Your Applications 第5 条的 Confirm Your Submission 可知要完成申请,必须提交申请,因此D项正确.
本文是记叙文.16 岁的Andrea 为了实现自己的音乐梦想,决定参加一个音乐奖项的角逐,以获取一定的资助.
43. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的with the music teacher of the candidate's choice 可知,学生可以自行选择自己的音乐老师.
44. B.推理判断题.由第二段中的she has always learned with Mrs Schmidt and would not wish to change teachers at this stage 可知,Andrea 跟着Mrs Schmidt学习得很好.
45. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的She is rather worried about practising and playing two totally different pieces successfully to the award judges 可知,Andrea 是担心自己在试听时是否能表现好.
46. B.推理判断题.由第四段中的as her school has agreed to allow her to attend even if the course is during term time 可知,Andrea 的学校对她 参加这一奖项的角逐是支持的.
本文是记叙文.英国17 的少年Fred Turner 研制了一台DNA分析仪器, 并因此获得了一项青少年科技大奖.
47. A.推理判断题.根据第五段中的 Fred built the DNA testing machine in his bedroom for £450, costing him less than a seventh of the price of a new one 可知,Fred 制作这台仪器花费了450 英镑,不到一台新机器的七分之一.所以一台新机器大约要花费3000英镑左右.
48. D.细节理解题.由文中的That was when things got really interesting, as the DNA sample multiplied in his machine 及The machine enlarged the DNA so it could be analyzed, Fred said 两段可知,这台仪器能够提供可供实验室分析的DNA 样本.
49. D.推理判断题.由文中的The bright pupil said he should thank ...及 They both ... was younger. They've always encouraged my interests 可知, 父母的支持是Fred 成功的一个原因. 50. B.细节理解题.在倒数第二段中,Ben Miller 对Fred 的工作给予了很高的评价.他说Fred 这个杰出的项目表明英国的未来充满光明,他希望年轻人能受到鼓舞,跟随Fred 的脚步.