
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 16:44:15


Photographs: Walden Pond - Past & Present

Walden, The Place - By Ronald Wesley Hoag

Thoreau's own 1846 survey map of Walden Pond

A ghostly Encounter - poem by Amy Belding Brown

The Walden Woods of Thoreau's Youth - an early map

From Google Earth - what Walden looks like from space

Thoreau quotes, mostly from Walden, with links to their sources

Search for words or phrases in Walden in the Princeton Text Archive

For the more obscure words - Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913 Edition

"Our problem today is that we have allowed the internal to become lost in the external ... So much of modern life can be summarized in that arresting dictum of the poet Thoreau: 'Improved means to an unimproved end'." - Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1964

"In Walden, Thoreau ... opens the inner frontier of self-discovery as no American book had up to this time. As deceptively modest as Thoreau's ascetic life, it is no less than a guide to living the classical ideal of the good life. Both poetry and philosophy, this long poetic essay challenges the reader to examine his or her life and live it authentically." - Kathryn VanSpanckeren

"The best and most Romantic memoir an American has produced is Walden — though nobody calls it one. ... What Thoreau has to overcome during his time in the woods is not a lapse in mental health. His great problem is to escape the mental health of his neighbors, their collection-plate opinions, their studious repetition of gossip ... There's not a note in the book of self-pity, or nostalgia. And why did he quit his cabin in the end? 'It seemed to me that I had several more lives to live.'" - Benjamin Kunkel

我的论文是成语汉译英的直译与意译,有谁能帮忙找些英语论文参考文献啊按序号,作者,出版年,题名,刊名,期号,起止页的顺序列出,我不要网址,要具体的文献 英语翻译最好是直译的,不要意译. 英语翻译今天我要演讲的主题(题目)是……要意译,不要直译, 一石二鸟的汉译英直译和意译两种 汉译英:本市的特色是“七山二水一分田”意译直译都可以 wise men have mouth in heart这句话意译下来是什么意思就是上面的意思.我说的是意译.不是直译 请问:You are my hotdog!不要回答是“你是我的热狗”.要意译!不是直译! 求翻译!帮忙翻译成英文的,最好是意译,我怕直译会影响她本来的意境! bury me in all my favorite colors 的意译是什么?我不想要直译的,我想要意译的, 英语翻译就是那个One More Time,One More Chance,这个中文意思什么,直译还有意译两个都要啊.是直译跟意译都要啊,别只说一个.2L,我要的是歌名意思,不是歌词啊. 请问“狗逼”的英语怎么说?意译直译最好都有.最好有直译,意译越多越好. 我要直译,不要意译.还有,不要长篇大论.重申,直译!一楼的有点扯~我不是来求解对子的 英语翻译不是直译,是意译~ 英语翻译对于这句话,我想要它的意译,不是直译 Talking Heads 中文是什么意思?不要直译,那我也会讲话的头意译该是什么? 英语翻译you can run but you can't hide 的中文直译是‘你能跑但逃不了’.意译或成语译该怎么翻? 英语翻译最好是意译的,别弄那些seven rainbow之类的直译,重谢 英语翻译PS:不要各种网站直译的答案~最好是意译~