上网有利还是有弊.发表自己的观点.写一篇英语作文.should we often surf on the internet___

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 19:06:39
上网有利还是有弊.发表自己的观点.写一篇英语作文.should we often surf on the internet___

上网有利还是有弊.发表自己的观点.写一篇英语作文.should we often surf on the internet___
上网有利还是有弊.发表自己的观点.写一篇英语作文.should we often surf on the internet___

上网有利还是有弊.发表自己的观点.写一篇英语作文.should we often surf on the internet___
Who is the master in the Internet age? Nowadays, it is commonplace for people using the Internet. Students use it for information; employees, to promote their companies; people, to send emails to their friends. Using the Internet is a trend. The one who doesn’t know the way to operate it will sooner or later be cast out. Yet, we shouldn’t be slaves to the Internet. In this essay, I will examine the merits and demerits of using the Internet.
How often do you surf the Internet? The Internet offers us a large pool of information. When we want to search for some information, it will be very convenient for us to access it on the net. If we want to find some information about a film, say The Road Home, we can simply go to the website of yahoo. Then, we can key in the name of the film. After ten to twenty seconds, we can know the official site of The Road Home. Thus, we can go to the site by simply clicking the button on the mouse. We can get what we want there, say, the summary of the production, the biography of the crew, the photos and the like. The Internet provides us with a wide range of information, from the sale of cars like Toyota to the promotion of novels, like The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Moreover, the information is most updated. Therefore, it meets our needs if we crave for knowledge in a particular field. Surfing the Internet is a good means for us to obtain information.
Besides searching for information, sending emails and playing ICQ (I Seek You) can be a means of communication. Nowadays, the tempo in society is fast; the competition is keen. Everyone grabs time for work. Employees have to go out to work for a whole day, usually from 8am to 7pm. Sometimes, they have to work round the clock. In order to get promotion; extra effort has to be made. Students study round the clock so as to get a result with flying color in the public examinations. People from all walks of life are engaged in tasks. They can seldom meet one another. Sometimes, if people go back home at midnight, they can’t phone their friends at that time. Thus, they can send emails to their friends to greet them. Then, their relationship will not be loosened. People may also send emails to relatives or friends in other countries. Sending emails is free of charge and it won’t occupy us much time. Sending ICQ messages can serve the same purpose. Furthermore, it is convenient for the companies to give information to staff by means of emails. As a matter of fact, sending emails is widely used in the business field.
Apart from serving as a means of communication, we can build up our homepages on the Internet. It is a very good way to promote our self and to show our talent to the others. If we like English Literature very much, we can build up a homepage for it. We can include many columns there, say novels, dramas, plays, poetry, films and the like. We can upload our essays of analysis of novels like Wuthering Heights, Sons and lovers, Women in Love. Moreover, we can offer films reviews on the homepage. On the one hand, we can share with people who have the same interest. On the other hand, we can let the others know our talents. The homepage can be a rigid proof to show how erudite we are in a particular field.
There is the other side of the coin. Using the Internet embodies disadvantages. . Another problem is that there is no guarantee to the quality of the information on the WebPages as webmasters may be spreading false or misleading ideas because of their own ignorance or ill intention. We have to be very careful when screening information on the net. Recently, it is not common to hear tell of people falling into the traps of those unscrupulous web masters. Those web masters claim to have the panacea to cure cancers. Some people are cheated and they lose a lot of money. It is not only a tip of the iceberg. As the homepages and websites on the net are not under supervision, we must scrutinize the information wisely and carefully. Otherwise, we will be the victims!
On top of containing a lot of misleading information, the relationship between people will be loosened. Now, we heavily depend on using the Internet. We can nearly do everything on the Internet. We can go shopping on the net. We can get the latest information on the net. We can also have transactions on the net. We can do whatever we want without going out! We communicate with people by means of sending emails instead of the face to face communication. We don’t have to communicate with others and we can get all the work done. How can we know the others true feeling without face to face communication? People tend to be isolated. Our world will be a cool one!
In addition, it will be dangerous for us to make friends in the Internet. People are usually devils in disguise. They tend to hide their identity. In order to attract the opposite sex, they tend to be a very good guy. Nowadays, it is common for us to hear people cheated by their net friends. Some girls even lose their virginity. They become preys!
All in all, using the Internet embodies both merits and demerits. Yet, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. However, whether we can benefit from it, it depends on how we use it and the attitude we have towards it. Using the Internet will be the trend in this new era. We should not be the slaves of the Internet, but masters!

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