
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 14:14:11


  2.tommorrow ,the day after tomorrow ,soon ,right now ,next+名 ,in (three)(a few) days几天后.
  3.be going to do(动词原型) 计划,打算做某事 预测
  4.term → team
  5.cheer sb. On 为某人加油 win (the gamematch)
  7.prefer doing sth. 更喜欢做某事 = like doing sth. Better
  8.quite a bitlot 许多 大量
  9.join+组织(sb.) clubarmypartyleague take part in+活动 the World Cup
  10.seesaw sb (do 全过程doing 正在进行) sth.
  11.there be there si going to be a
  12.row much 经常划船
  Section B Topic 1 Unit1
  1. growgrew up What (are you going to do)( do want to be) when you grow up?
  2. in the future 今后 in the past 在过去
  3. arrive (in大地点at小地点)+某地
  4. play against sbteam
  5. excite(动) { excited(sb.) I am excited. exciting(sth.) The film is exciting. }
  6. leave for动身去某地 leavefor离开某地去某地
  7. breakbroke the record 打破记录
  8. How talllongwidefar is he? He is 2.26 metters tallmeters away
  9. play for 效力于
  10. like介 himthisthat
  11. for long 长时间
  12. They are leaving(表示位置移动的动词leave,come,go,fly 用现在进行时表将来)for Japan.
  13. win a gold medal win the first place
  14. what a shamepity
  Section C Topic 1 Unit1
  1. pretty(very) well
  2. the highlong jump
  3. all over the cityworld
  4. be good(bed) Doing eye exercise is good for our eyes.
  5. keep fithealthy
  6. keep(make) sb.sth.+adj. 使某人东西保持怎样
  7. spendspent花
  spend some time (in) doing sth 同义 it takes sb some time to do sth
  spend(时间、钱) on sth I spent two yuan on this pen.
  8. It is a good way to do sth 这是做什么事的一种好办法
  9. sb will(shall→Iwe) +do Shall weI go to the park. be going to do 计划,打算
  Section A Topic 2 Unit1
  1. do sb a favor = help sb(out) = give sb a hand
  2. fallfell ill
  3. be gladnicehappypleased to do sth.
  4. mind doing sth.介意做某事→mind not doing sth.介意别做某事
  5. practice(keep) doing sth 练习做某事
  6. right now(away)=at once=in a minute
  7. be not far from=be near
  8. ①CouldWould you please do me a favor? Sure.What is it?
  ②Will you join us? I’d be glad to.
  ③Would you mind teaching me? Not at all.(Of course not.)
  9. Would you mind (sbmyme)doing sth.你介意做某事吗?
  10. It’sThat’s very nicekind of you.你这个人太好了.
  11. come over to come here 过来
  12. somewhere不定副词something不定代词 else
  13. You’dhad better (not) do sth 做好做某事
  14. need to do sth 需要做某事
  Section B Topic 2 Unit1
  1. miss a (good) chance 错过良机 miss the eary bus 错过早班车 miss a goal 丢球
  2. shout at sb 朝某人大喊
  3. be angry with sb对某人生气
  4. do one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大的努力做某事 I do my best to study English well.
  5. say sorryhellogoodbye to sb
  6. be sorry for sthwhat I said 为某事感到遗憾、后悔、抱歉
  7. be sure →①+(that)句子 I am sure (that) his dream will come ture.
  ②to do sth I’m sure to win this time.
  ③aboutof sth I’m sure aboutof my answer.
  8. loselost the game 输了比赛
  9. have a fightn. 吵架 fightv. with sb 和某人吵架、打架.
  10. with one’s help=with the help of sb在某人的帮助下
  11. serve the food 上菜
  12. turn downup 调小大声 turn onoff 打开关闭
  13. keep sb doing sth 让某人一直做某事
  14. be late for classschoolwork 上课上学上班 迟到
  15. take(have) a seat=sit down
  16. be important to sb对某人很重.
  17. 没关系→Never mind It doesn’t matter That’s OKall right Not at all
  18. another(另一,又一+单数名词)
  he other另一个I have two pens.One is red,the other is green.
  the others
  Section C Topic 2 Unit1
  1.too,also, either ,as well 也
  a. I’m a student.She is a student,too
  . My father is also a teacher.
  c. I don’t like this book,either.
  d. I’m a boy as well.
  2.enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事
  3.at that time 在那时
  4.so that 以便 He gets up early so that he can catch the early bus.
  5.how to do sth 怎样做某事
  when to do sth 什么时候做某事
  what to do sth 做什么事
  where to go 去哪.
  6.putthrowinto(out of) 把放到扔到去
  7.follow the rules 遵守规则
  Section D Topic 2 Unit1
  1. feel→felt 区别 fall→fell
  2. ,however, 句首中末 but 句首
  3. a 15-year-old boy 7-day holiday a 2.5-mile run
  4. get tiredsound greatlook happyfitfell well→联系动词+adj 系表结构
  5. startbegin to do sth= doing sth 开始做某事
  6. instead(of) I often stay at home instead of going out .
  Last night I watched TV,but this eveni→ng I will do my homework instead.
  7. have (great) fun doing sth做某事有乐趣 have fun have a good time enjoy oneself
  Section A Topic 3 Unit1
  1. ride in my taxi=take my taxi
  2. hostv. Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.the 29th Olympic Games.
  .host男主人 hostess 女主人
  3. Speaking English 动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数形式
  4. maybe=perhapsadv. may be动 Maybe he is at home. He may be at home.
  5. make friends with sb和某人交朋友
  6. see(+宾语从句 陈述语序主+谓)
  7. places of interest 多处名胜古迹
  8. fun ①n.乐趣,有趣的事 ②have fun with sbdoing sth ③adj insteresting a fun child
  9. lots of=a lot of many可数 much 不可数
  10. be friendlyadj to sb 对某人友好
  Section B Topic 3 Unit1
  1. plant trees 种树
  2. shall→should can→could will→would
  3. ou→enough,touch,young,country
  4. fill sth with sth Please fill the cup with water.
  5. the earth地球sunmoon
  6. Let’s makeit half pasr six. make sthsb+adj make sb do sth 使某人做某事
  7. be afraid→①+句子 I’m afraid I can’t.
  ②to do sth Girs are afraid to meet dogs.
  ③of sth
  8. have to(客观) must(主观)
  9. the best season time to do sth 做某事最好的季节时间
  10. big enough足够大 enough + n.
  11. go to the moviescinema 去看电影
  Section C Topic 3 Unit1
  1. for the first time 第一次
  2. every four years 每四年,每隔三年
  3. stand for sth 代表某物事 They stand forWelcome to Beijing.
  4. improve theour environment 改善环境
  5. build ourselves up 增强体质
  6. loselost the game输了比赛
  7. f