say study find buy answer ask think help sing tell stop shop star improve clean get give hope write还有 start live join learn clean look turn remember enjoy的现在分词和第三人称单数

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 13:46:47
say study find buy answer ask think help sing tell stop shop star improve clean get give hope write还有 start live join learn clean look turn remember enjoy的现在分词和第三人称单数

say study find buy answer ask think help sing tell stop shop star improve clean get give hope write还有 start live join learn clean look turn remember enjoy的现在分词和第三人称单数
say study find buy answer ask think help sing tell stop shop star improve clean get give hope write
还有 start live join learn clean look turn remember enjoy的现在分词和第三人称单数

say study find buy answer ask think help sing tell stop shop star improve clean get give hope write还有 start live join learn clean look turn remember enjoy的现在分词和第三人称单数

know,find,catch,buy,buy,find,hear,say,mean,read,let的过去式 say study find buy answer ask think help sing tell stop shop star improve clean get give hope write还有 start live join learn clean look turn remember enjoy的现在分词和第三人称单数 play study look smile say run move have buy过去分词 study buy walk break water carry die teach remember forget look save think say speak stand 的过去时 单词过去式hate carry stop are can has run see swin win tell find read cough knock walk watch dacide study am come drink forget give know say sit take make buy put like 的过去式!1十万火急!最好按顺序答啊! 求动词过去式+复数+ing 过去式:stop study build drin drive draw eat feed fly find grow hear lend lose make ride say speak stand sweep spend swim think teach read begin bring buy hoid know keep leave feel throw write can 复数:boy shelf to 把下面的单词改为现在进行时tell have bring feel run stand take get see make buy catch group stop know teach put go live find become study do eat say speak come sit write play is are plan begin hear carry meet let think. Find nothing,buy question find foreign friends to help me study english!and i can help you study chinese or say chinesei live in beijing shangdixili songfangyuan,i need your help.thanks. Find a language partner.Hi,everyone,i'm jack from shanghai.i'm studying spoken english,and i wanna find a language partner,as they say,learning a language needs a lot of practice,so i hope we can study and practice together.or if you are a foreigner 根据括号内单词填出单词 3Q6.I ____ (know) her since she came here.7.we ____ (not finish)the work yet.8.She ____ (study) English since 1990.9.My aunt ____ just ____ (buy) a new coat,She ____ (buy) it in shanghai.10.Tom ______ (no find) his 英语翻译Buy Damaged Stocks,Not Damaged CompaniesLet’s say Wall Street is holding a sale of solid merchandise that it has to move.And let’s say you take that merchandise home only to find it doesn’t work,has a hole in it or is missing a key 求find,buy的过去式 I cannot find a quiet place to study.句中to study是做定语还是状语? cry,say,run,study.stay,walk,guess,watch.bite,catch,bitfly,wash,buy,play,go,把这些动词变为第三人称单 填空The old woman enjoys ( )her dog.是用study,say,buy,teach,have,swimming,spend,play,go,practice几个词中一个单词的正确形式填空 写出wash、buy、say、play、study、fly、get、be、have、come、ride、take、dive、collect、look、show、like、sit、stand、clean、sleep的三单形式 把下面的单词改成第三人称单数形式 :buy、walk、write、sit、skip、say、go、wash、watch.还有:drink、clean、start、make、study、fly、catch、have