Patents 与intellectual property right谁的范围大?

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Patents 与intellectual property right谁的范围大?

Patents 与intellectual property right谁的范围大?
Patents 与intellectual property right谁的范围大?

Patents 与intellectual property right谁的范围大?
intellectual property right是比专利权更广泛的知识产权,除专利权外,还包括著作权和商标权等相关权利在内.

Patents 与intellectual property right谁的范围大? approach 与 access 的区别?在an approach to patents 和 the access to patents 中 越详细越好, patents issued protected by patents怎么翻译? 请问Protected by patents的意思是什么? let me introduce my patents ( ) you Where ___ your patents patents read books?A.does C.are Please give my best_________(问候)to your patents. Edison-inspired Motion Picture Patents Company是什么公司 My parents often go to moyies on Sundays(用father代替patents改写句子) Thomas Edison was awarded 1368 separate and distanced patents during his lifetime.翻译 is the sentence correct?there is no situation or scenario that we infringe his patents 英语翻译Three types of patent can be protected in P.R.China,i.e.patents for invention,utility model,and design.请翻译上面这句话,并指出其中P.R.Chinai.e.patents 英语翻译We used the Delphion database to collect yearly patent counts for each of the firms,aggregating subsidiary patents up to the ultimate parent level.Granted patents were counted in their year of application.Yearly patent counts were created 英语翻译All patent applications,patents,and literature references cited in this specification are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. 英语翻译© 2009,samomAll rights reserved in the event of granting of patents or registration as a utility patent. 能开机,但出现this roduct is covered by one or more ofhe following patents怎么解决 首字母填空 My only w____ is that I won't be allowed to take a vacation with my patents