java编程的问答DataType compatability RULE – large types can usually store small types32 is a divisor of 64EXCEPTION – integer types cannot store decimals without a castIn the blanks below,write in the data types that could fill the blank tha

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 00:37:22
java编程的问答DataType compatability RULE – large types can usually store small types32 is a divisor of 64EXCEPTION – integer types cannot store decimals without a castIn the blanks below,write in the data types that could fill the blank tha

java编程的问答DataType compatability RULE – large types can usually store small types32 is a divisor of 64EXCEPTION – integer types cannot store decimals without a castIn the blanks below,write in the data types that could fill the blank tha
DataType compatability RULE – large types can usually store small types
32 is a divisor of 64
EXCEPTION – integer types cannot store decimals without a cast
In the blanks below,write in the data types that could fill the blank that would not require a cast.
1.char c = < blank > ___________________________________________
2.byte b = < blank > ___________________________________________
3.short s = < blank > ___________________________________________ i = < blank > ___________________________________________
5.long r = < blank > ___________________________________________
6.float f = < blank > ___________________________________________
7.double d = < blank > ___________________________________________ a = (int)56.67; out.println(a); _________________________
9.long u = (int)56.67; out.println(u); _________________________
10.char p = ‘A’+100; out.println((int)p); _________________________
11.double g = 56.67d; out.println(g); _________________________
12.float v = (int)56.67; out.println(v); _________________________

java编程的问答DataType compatability RULE – large types can usually store small types32 is a divisor of 64EXCEPTION – integer types cannot store decimals without a castIn the blanks below,write in the data types that could fill the blank tha

java编程的问答DataType compatability RULE – large types can usually store small types32 is a divisor of 64EXCEPTION – integer types cannot store decimals without a castIn the blanks below,write in the data types that could fill the blank tha java编程:用java编程计算1到10的整数和?求救! java编程打印“九九乘法口诀表”的程序用java编程实现“九九乘法口诀表”. jQuery 的 type:POST,dataType:text, 求java编程题:计算1到100累加的和java编程求1到100相加之和 C语言求DataType的用法和意思 小学算术运算测试程序要求:制作一个可供小学数学运算程序:10以内加减法,能根据输入题数出题,判断做题是否正确,最后计算分数.用gui用户界面.在百度看到你的问答,特犀利,java编程的哦 JAVA编程,输入一个四位数,求四位数的每位数字之和!是JAVA,不是C语言! java中的tree是什么意思什么是节点用java编程不同level的节点如何用if else语句判断 java 编程 输出 ,,,.20!的值用Java 编程 输出 +2!+3!+.+20!的和 在分别输出1!,,,.20!的值为 阶乘 java 5+55+555+5555+...求和编程题:求5+55+555……的前十项的和用java编程,谢拉... 速求一c语言编程:输出1~100中能被三整除的所有整数用java编程也行 用java编程:输出一个用*号组成的菱形!* *** ***** *** *写个容易看的 java里 编程计算1至50中是7的倍数的数值之和 java编程:输入球的半径,计算球的体积,保留三位小数 java 编程,求1000以内能被17整除数的和 java中声明三角形类,继承图像类,计算三角形的周长和面积,如何编程 java 中怎么编程查询一个词语在一段文字中出现的次数