这两句话哪一句对呢?请问下面这两句话哪一句是正确的呢?Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she will be swimming the long distance to England.Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 13:04:27
这两句话哪一句对呢?请问下面这两句话哪一句是正确的呢?Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she will be swimming the long distance to England.Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to

这两句话哪一句对呢?请问下面这两句话哪一句是正确的呢?Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she will be swimming the long distance to England.Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to
Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she will be swimming the long distance to England.
Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to England.

这两句话哪一句对呢?请问下面这两句话哪一句是正确的呢?Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she will be swimming the long distance to England.Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to
主句为将来进行时,“will be doing”表示客观将来时间,侧重于对将来事件的客观陈述,不表达个人意图;“will do”侧重主观意愿,含蓄意为之之意.当主句为将来进行时,从句为一般时.

as 为连词,"因为"


都不对 主将从现





这两句话哪一句对呢?请问下面这两句话哪一句是正确的呢?Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she will be swimming the long distance to England.Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to 1,汽车受到的重力与地面对他的支持力相互平衡.2,汽车受到的支持力与他对地面的压力相互平衡.请问这两句话哪一句正确,哪一句错误,为什么? It is the car what he wants和What he wants is the car.这两句话哪一句对? 请问下面两句话,哪一句说法是对的?1:丁丁说冬冬说丁丁说明明说丁丁这首歌唱给天天是对的.2:丁丁说冬冬说丁丁说明明说丁丁这首歌唱给天天是对的是对的是对的是对的 请问一下这两句话,哪一句是正确的?they spend mary's birthday party on mary.they spend mary's birthday party with mary. 请问这两句话哪一句有错,为什么呢?我分不清.What a sunny day it is!how sunny day it is!what+a/an+形+主+谓 how+形/副+主+谓 温度高的物体会自动向温度低的物体传递热量.温度高的物体热量高.这两句话哪一句对? 父母与子女之间在传递遗传物质的桥梁是受精卵和病毒等作为生物的主要依据是能复制后代,这两句话哪一句对. 1、不论什么人,只有肯下苦功夫,才能成才.2、不论什么人,只要肯下苦功夫,就能成才.这两句话哪一句对?原因? 请问这两句话哪一句是对的?【英语问题】··The Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards.Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards. A物种的形成过程就是生物多样性的增加过程B一个区域的物种数量的增加将会导致该区域生态系统的稳定性增强这两句话哪一句是正确的?我怎么觉得都对呢? 这两句话哪一句是对的?She dose talk too much,dosen't she?She talks too much,dosen't she?哪一句是对的,为什么?说实话,第一句话是我的参考书上的句子,他的翻译是“她确实太唠叨,是吗?”,到底哪一 He a is making kite.He is a making kite.这两句话哪一句正确,为什么? 下面两句话,哪一句是对的?1,相同条件下,在pH=5的1,NH4Cl溶液 2,CH3COOH溶液,...下面两句话,哪一句是对的?1,相同条件下,在pH=5的1,NH4Cl溶液 2,CH3COOH溶液,3稀盐酸溶液中,由水电离出的c(H+):1>2>3 2,常温下 “you can't know how you meet me in all before how boring”和“You can't know how boring in all before you meet me”这两句话有什么区别吗?下面这句我能看懂,上面这句我咋看着那么纠结呢?求分析成分啊!哪一句是 请问这两个句子变成定语从句对么?I remember the days .I go hiking with my friends during the days.这两句话合成定语从句是下面哪一种吖?还是两种都是对的?I remember the days which I go hiking with my friends during.I 清平乐六盘山中你最喜欢哪一句,你对这句话的理解 下面两句话哪一句是正确的1.In picture A,girl's dress is long.2.In picture A,the girl's dress is long.