选择与这句意思相同一句A:get all the world's children into primary school by 2015B:enroll all the world's children into primary school by 2015我不能理解.写错了 应该是A:get all the world's children complete primary school by 2015

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:01:23
选择与这句意思相同一句A:get all the world's children into primary school by 2015B:enroll all the world's children into primary school by 2015我不能理解.写错了 应该是A:get all the world's children complete primary school by 2015

选择与这句意思相同一句A:get all the world's children into primary school by 2015B:enroll all the world's children into primary school by 2015我不能理解.写错了 应该是A:get all the world's children complete primary school by 2015
A:get all the world's children into primary school by 2015
B:enroll all the world's children into primary school by 2015
写错了 应该是
A:get all the world's children complete primary school by 2015
B:enroll all the world's children into primary school by 2015

选择与这句意思相同一句A:get all the world's children into primary school by 2015B:enroll all the world's children into primary school by 2015我不能理解.写错了 应该是A:get all the world's children complete primary school by 2015
我觉得应该选B 是不是答案错了~


原句意思是 到2015年让世界上所有的孩子都有上小学的机会




选择与这句意思相同一句A:get all the world's children into primary school by 2015B:enroll all the world's children into primary school by 2015我不能理解.写错了 应该是A:get all the world's children complete primary school by 2015 选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的选项(21.4)My aunt will come back tomorrow.-------------A.get back B.return C.give back 填空:使B句与A句意思相同或相似,每空仅填一个单词.A:The group of little animals get together to get warm.B:The group of little animals get together _______ _______. 百尺竿头更进一步 相同意思的一句是什么 2.Are these your pens (重写句子,使意思与原句基本相同)Are these_____________ 4.They get up at six thirty .(就划线部分提问)What___________________they get up 3.black ,all ,like ,I ,at ,don't(连词成句)十三、用适当的 得道者一词与《得道多助 失道寡助》一文中那句意思相同? 得道者一词与《得道多助 失道寡助》一文中那句意思相同? 曾文正说;做这上,望那山,一事无成与在民间的一句俗语意思相同的这句话是什么 选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语. The weather is windy and s选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语.The weather is windy and snowy.[ ]A. Weather B. ItC. They D. Its 与“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也”意思相同的一句论语 《论语》中与“烈火识真金”意思相同的一句 与欲穷千里目更上一层楼表达相同的意思的一句名言是什么? 谁给我想一句与《只在乎在乎的!不在乎不在乎的!》意思相同的话 “渔者载而升诸陆”中“诸”与《愚公移山》一文中哪一句中的“诸”意思相同 选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的选项(21.3)I‘ll go out to find him in a minute.--------------A.a minute ago B.soon C.quickly you can't get blood out of a turnip这句谚语什么意思 不识庐山真面目 只缘身在此山中和一句什么格言意思相同 与“生于忧患,死于安乐”意思相同的名言,有哪些事例证明这一道理与“生于忧患,死于安乐”意思相同的名言,请写出两句,有哪些事例证明这一道理,请举出几例.谢谢