这是寒假作业但我借不来书 就全仰仗着各位啦 只要3a(A部分B部分都要)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 14:04:54
这是寒假作业但我借不来书 就全仰仗着各位啦 只要3a(A部分B部分都要)

这是寒假作业但我借不来书 就全仰仗着各位啦 只要3a(A部分B部分都要)
这是寒假作业但我借不来书 就全仰仗着各位啦 只要3a(A部分B部分都要)

这是寒假作业但我借不来书 就全仰仗着各位啦 只要3a(A部分B部分都要)
1.Five years ago ,sally was ________.2.She played _______.3.She had _______.
4.Today,sally is ________5.She plays _____ 6.She has ________
7.In five years ,sally will be ______8.She will play _______9.She will have__________.
In ten years ,I think I'll be a reporter.I'll live in Shanghai,Because I went to Shanghai last year
and fell in love with it.I think it's really abeautifful city.As a reporter,I think I will meet lots of interesting peoele.I think I'll live in an apartment with my best friends,because I don't like living alone.I'll have pets.I can't have any pets now because my mother hates them,and our apartment is too small .So in ten years,I'll have many different pets .I might even keep a pet parrot!I'll probably go skating and swimming every day.during the week I'll look smart,and probably will wear asuit.On the weekend,I'll be able to dress more casually.Ithink I 'll go to Hong Kong on vacation,and one day I might even visit Australlia.
Eve:I need to get some money to pay for summer camp.what shuld I do?
Anna:Well,You could get a part-time job.
Eve:I don't have time.
Maria:I have an idea.You could borrow some money from your brother.
Eve:No,he doesn't have any money,either
Dennis:Ithink you shuld ask your parents for some money.
Anna:Or you could sell your CDs.
Eve:No,I don't think so.I love my CDs.
Dennis:Maybe you could have a bake sale.
Eve:No,I can't bake.
Dennis:Then maybe you should call "Teen Talk",the radio advice progranm.
Dear Mary,
I have a problem,and I need your help.I always thought I was popular at schoool .But I just fond out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend,and they didn't invite me.Everyone else in my class was invited exept me,and I don't know why.I can;t think what I did worng.I'm very upset and don't know what to do.What do you think?Can you help me?
Loney kid
Dear Jack,
I had a very unusual experience on Sunday.At around ten o'clock in the morning.I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me.You can imagine how strange it was!An alien got out and walked down Center street.I followed it to see where it was going,and I was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop.while it was loking at the souvenirs,the shop assistant called the police.Before the police arrived,the alien left the shop and then visited the museum of Flight.While the alien was in the museum,I called the TV station.Isn't that amazing!
Linda lovese her dog Davy.They went to New York City last saturday.While Linda was buying a newspaper at the trainstation,the dog got out of his box and ran away.The station was crowded and Linda couldn't see Davy anywhere.When Linda shouted his name,some people looked at her but Davy didn't come.Then she called the police.While she was talkng on the telephone,Davey met another dog outside the station.While the police were coming,Linda walked around the station and called Davy 's name.She didn't think about looking outside the station.Finally,a little boy said to her,"Did you look outside?I saw a big blak dog when I came in."When Linda finally saw Davy,he was jumping and running with another dog.There was a police officer next to them.The police officer next to them.The police officer said to linda,"I think my dog found your dog."

这是寒假作业但我借不来书 就全仰仗着各位啦 只要3a(A部分B部分都要) 求初二一次函数部分的练习题多多益善拉 最好是有点难度的 我的成绩就全仰仗各位了!呵呵 我没有领到报纸、这是作业、求各位给题目我做吧、一定要全、 寒假快结束了,但作业还没做完,怎么办?希望各位能体谅体谅我啊````` 全是试卷又没有答案…做了也不知道对错,怎么办?寒假作业到底影不影响成绩? CN-水解究竟结合什么啊,0.1mol/L的NaCN和0.1mol/LHCN溶液的混合液,各离子浓度的大小顺序是什么,我伤病在家不能上课,有些不懂的就仰仗各位了消耗的是氢离子还是氢氧根离子额?消耗水分子那它 完蛋了!完蛋了!2月13日我就开学了!哥哥姐姐们应该都写完寒假作业了吧!可是我还没写完啊!我的作业依然是超级的多!为了不知道大概数量的哥哥姐姐们,那么我就把我剩余的寒假作业来好好地 6年级寒假作业答案这是江苏盐城的 作业名字叫寒假乐园 快乐寒假假日乐园编写组 我要英语的 如果直线L与直线X+Y-1=0关于Y轴对称,那么直线L的方程是?我明天就开学了,今天还没把寒假作业做完,求各位大哥大姐帮下忙! 求2011年七年级寒假作业答案(深圳报业集团出版社) 谁给全了我就给财富悬赏10知道就快来 我想借一个女同学的寒假作业抄抄,但她不给(很反常,以前都给的), 反比例函数在几年级学的各位帮帮忙我现在在写暑假作业但不知道是几年级几单元学的了 怎样才能快速写完一本同步(这是寒假作业,抄同步,全抄)麻烦给讲讲 在一个圆中画一个是中心对称图形但不是轴对称图形的图形,八年级寒假作业地题,各位帮帮忙 黑子是太阳表面有时出现的()现象我才初一,不会学到那么难的,平常一点的就好了,这是寒假作业上 2009国庆阅兵仪式600字作文速度这是俺老班的作业 千万马虎不得 俺才华又不好 只能仰仗各位了o(∩_∩)o... 数学寒假作业的答案全的 解不等式|(根号2x-1)-x|<2我明天就开学了,今天还没把寒假作业做完,求各位大哥大姐帮下忙!