是By a lift 还是take a lift

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 00:51:04
是By a lift 还是take a lift

是By a lift 还是take a lift
是By a lift 还是take a lift

是By a lift 还是take a lift
take a lift

是By a lift 还是take a lift why not ( ) ( )there?A.take the lift;/ B.taking the lift;/ C.by lift;/ D.by lift;to 乘电梯是on a lift还是in a lift in a lift还是by a My cousin lives on the twelfth flow.She often goes up and down______.A.take a liftB.by a liftC.by the liftD.in a lift We go up and down ________?We go up and down _________ A. in the lift B. in lift C. by the lift D. take a lift 乘电梯的英文.乘电梯的英文是take the lift,by lift,go in the lift,in a lift.请问他们 可以通用吗?如果不可以通用,请说明一下什么情况下用什么. do a lift还是make a lift The language lab is on the fifth floor.Let's() and have a look.A.take lift B by lift c.to take a lift D.take the lift The language lab is on the fifth floor.Let's() and have a look.A.take lift B by lift c.to take a lift D.take the lift on lift还是by lift是固定用法? 是take a bus还是by a bus还是take the bus还是by the bus,为什么 take a lift 这个短语中的 take 是什么意思? lift 前用a可以吗? she goes up and down the building ___?A:in lift B:by a lift C:by lift D :with a lift?B与C的区别在哪书上的答案是B。新东方的书。 The audio-visual roon is on the sixth floor.Let's ____and have a look.选则The audio-visual roon is on the sixth floor.Let's ____and have a look.A.by lift B.take the lift C.go by the lift D.take lift 是take a bus还是by a bus还是take the bus还是by the bus,为什么一定4个都解释 by bus 的同义词是take a why not____(take)a lift to the Eiffel Tower? 跪求~ 今天我们英语老师说 take a bus= a by bus 我们 说 take a bus = by bus 到底是前者还是后者啊!