英语演讲稿(急,明天比赛了,我自己写的不合格)哭了 culture smart or science intelligent百度知道很强大!积分不是问题

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 10:23:17
英语演讲稿(急,明天比赛了,我自己写的不合格)哭了 culture smart or science intelligent百度知道很强大!积分不是问题

英语演讲稿(急,明天比赛了,我自己写的不合格)哭了 culture smart or science intelligent百度知道很强大!积分不是问题
英语演讲稿(急,明天比赛了,我自己写的不合格)哭了 culture smart or science intelligent

英语演讲稿(急,明天比赛了,我自己写的不合格)哭了 culture smart or science intelligent百度知道很强大!积分不是问题
Good evening,ladies and gentleman,it is so nice of you for allowing me to stand here and share my point of view about culture and science.
There are always comparisons between culture and science .As we all know ,Science,making great contribution to our society ,can not be ignored by all human beings .Equally,the Culture which has coloured our everyday life,is the highlight during the human's long history.
Sometimes culture can be considered as the mother of the human being .During a long time's period of history the great woman Culture has raised a dozen of children with the name of art,music,literature… while there are some wise boys such as math,physical ,biology… are educated by dad,Science.
I would like to say ,science is the power that combine everyone's intelligence together ,in order to solve the problem we are facing in every field ,the science has played a significant role in handling them.
At the same time ,I also would like to say ,culture is the bridge to connect person with person ,piece of work to another ,and every unforgettable event in our history .Culture is something that we can not miss ,it has been melt in our blood ,showing the direction where the destination is .
Without science ,the intelligence is nevertheless ridiculous for our human being .
Without culture ,the smart is also far away from us .
Without science ,We will never know who we are ,where we come from .how the wonderful world works.and what to do for our future .
Without culture ,how can we get the happiness from the literature ,how can the beautiful building can be differed from different countries or areas .
Without science ,how can every step in the history to improve the quality of everybody's life moving ahead .
Without culture,how can the customs and the spirit of our own nation be delivered from generation to generation.
So,ladies and gentleman ,I still insist on my viewpoint that it is meaningless to choose which one is better than the other or one can be replaced by the alternative.What we should do now is to thank them for contributing so much to the people who live in this fascinating planet and make the flame of science and culture light up our world forever .Thank you!


Culture smart and Science intelligent have been two heatedly discussed topics nowadays. With the advance of science and technology, our daily life has been changed greatly and we benefit a lot from it...


Culture smart and Science intelligent have been two heatedly discussed topics nowadays. With the advance of science and technology, our daily life has been changed greatly and we benefit a lot from it. Unfortunately, meanwhile, serious issues have come together with those changes, say energy crisis, greenhouse effect, environment pollution, nuclear proliferation and so on, which have undoubtedly threatened the existence of human beings. Consequently, you have found how frequently you are told of the disadvantages and even the perilous nature of science. However, what needs most to us is to keep sense of our balance and never go extremes. Since it has been widely acknowledged that culture smart has performed an exclusive and crucial function in people’s spirit life (if it can be regarded as the first function), it should go without doubt that we are meant to integrate culture smart with right direction-oriented science intelligent, which drastically facilitates the advance of culture smart by from feeding people to leading modern civilians to a comfortable living condition. What constitutes most is the premise of appropriate guideline, making science intelligent consistent with benefits of not only human ourselves but also the whole nature, because we shall never assume that people could live a superior or supreme life to other creatures when nature is being increasingly damaged. Contemporarily, we are penalized nearly every year by nature, which has been badly influenced by plenty of destruction of human behaviors, in the form of variety of natural disasters, such as flood, drought, continuous hot weather, dust storm, red tide and so on.


英语演讲稿(急,明天比赛了,我自己写的不合格)哭了 culture smart or science intelligent百度知道很强大!积分不是问题 急求一篇关于梦想的三分钟英语演讲稿不要马丁路德金的那篇 我也想自己写~可是明天就要比赛了 实在写不出来 而且是复赛 我自己的水平有多少我是知道的 马丁路德金的文章太长了 我们是 求新上任班长的一份英语演讲稿对不起,我没钱了.明天就要真的急 急求英语演讲稿 我最喜欢的动物(猫)三分钟,自己看着办,今天,明天这两天,还要翻译! my family英语演讲稿明天要口语比赛,请帮我写个my family的作文,2-3分钟,带开场白, 急求一篇以“未来”为话题的英语演讲稿.各位亲们、我急求一篇关于未来的演讲稿,我明天晚上有英语口语比赛啊、时间3分钟. 有哪位老师帮帮我写一段大概30秒的英语演讲前的自我介绍呀?明天就要比赛了!如果不麻烦的话,可以帮我翻译一下下面的句子!我是来自艺术设计系动漫班的gaoxian,我们都知道,我们离不开父母, 谁可以帮我写一篇主题为“激扬青春跟党走,海西跨越我先行”的演讲稿,故事我提供,明天要交了是一场很大型的比赛,演讲稿要自己写 但我实在写不好.感激万分!比赛快开始了 ,但稿子明天早 英语演讲稿 限时3分钟哪位大哥大姐帮帮忙、告诉我一下英语演讲稿怎么写.我第一次参加比赛.希望能给我一篇范文.主题是爱国或是爱我的家乡.难度不要太大了、谢谢! 我要去比赛,要写请假条,请问标准的请假条怎么写?我明天要去比赛,要写请假条,请问标准的请假条怎么写?急啊!我下午就要交了我要格式 急,明天就要比赛了, 不忘国耻 振兴中华演讲稿500字要自己写的!明天我就交 急! 一分钟的英语演讲稿我曹行健,12岁.今天,明天要比了 爱在屋檐下作文,写关于亲情的,七年级比赛作文,急,明天要交的.不能网上抄啊,我都看过了, 急求我的梦中国梦观后感 1000字左右明天要交了 记住:最好自己写 我现在跪求一篇300字左右的简单的初一英语演讲稿,明天会背,急~! 拔河比赛开始了,把第一个人,中间的人和最后一个人写具体拔河比赛开始了,把句子写具体.急,明天要交了! 英语写事作文(初一)一定要初一的.明天我就要比赛了