动名词的完成被动式having been done能不能给举个例子?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 02:03:15
动名词的完成被动式having been done能不能给举个例子?

动名词的完成被动式having been done能不能给举个例子?
动名词的完成被动式having been done能不能给举个例子?

动名词的完成被动式having been done能不能给举个例子?
1、In conclusion,the work having been done and being to be perfected are put forward.
2、To explain the cause is a legal obligation of administrative organ,the administrative subject should explain the cause of the unfavourable executive decision having been done by them
3、Having been done the homework,what else do you normally do for the rest of Friday night?

Having been advised not to go there alone after dark, she finally decided to ask a frined to go with her.
英语中 现在分词的完成式可以用来表示发生在句子谓语动词之前的动作。

动名词的完成被动式having been done能不能给举个例子? 有动名词的完成时的被动语态这种说法么 having been done? --ing分词的形式1.doing 一般式2.being done 被动式3.having done 完成式4.having been done 完成被动式帮我解释这几个时态呗... 动名词的被动式和现在分词的被动式的区别 to have been pulled down,不定式的被动完成时态和having been pulled down动名词的被动完成时态,他们有什么不同啊?求讲解 关于现在分词的完成式现在分词的被动形式:being+动词过去分词 现在分词的完成形式:having+动词过去分词 现在分词完成式的被动式:having been+动词过去分词这样我就想问几个问题.首先现在分词 英语语法过去分词和现在分词现在分词和过去分词是不是等同于分为 一般式doing 一般被动式being done 完成式having done 完成被动式 having been done在做题的时候过去分词又分及物不及物动词,其中 英语 现在分词是表示主动和进行的,但为什么又有被动形式啊我知道现在分词有一般式doing 一般被动式being done 完成式havingdone 完成被动式having been done 过去分词(表示被动和完成)与现在分词( 1.()many times,he couldn't understand it.2.()many times,he still couldn't understand it.A.having been toldB.having toldC.he had been toldD.though he had been told1选D,2选A我想问一下,2可以选D吗?2选A,分词的完成被动式做状 All games _because of the rainstorm ,many students could do nothing but study in the classroomA were canceled B having been canceled C had been canceled D have been canceled Ps:我自己比较矛盾的是B和C ,B是现在分词的完成被动式我 having +done 结构是动名词还是现在分词的完成时 英语语法!动名词和分词的完成形式不管是现在完成时还是过去完成时都是 having done吗 I regretted having told a liehaving told a lie是做宾语吗?having told是动名词的完成语态? 动名词问题.Having been done不能作定语?比如,The building having been built is our school.是错误的句子.请问怎样解释呢? 动词ing形式的被动语态v-ing被动形式的构成中 完成被动式having been done的语法意义 是什么 我的书上写的是 ----- 被动的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前?什么是谓语动词? 动词不定式的一般被动式和完成被动式,请各举一个例子. 分词的完成时主动语态为having+done,动名词的完成时态为having+V.ed?难道这两者在这里的动词还有不同要求吗 动名词的被动式和过去分词有什么区别,好像都存在动宾关系?