英语翻译谢绝软件翻译Also,it is unclear how different aversive contents may vary in their effects on attention across time.It has been suggested that different negative emotional contents have distinct effects on attention (e.g.,[6]),and the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 03:45:18
英语翻译谢绝软件翻译Also,it is unclear how different aversive contents may vary in their effects on attention across time.It has been suggested that different negative emotional contents have distinct effects on attention (e.g.,[6]),and the

英语翻译谢绝软件翻译Also,it is unclear how different aversive contents may vary in their effects on attention across time.It has been suggested that different negative emotional contents have distinct effects on attention (e.g.,[6]),and the
Also,it is unclear how different aversive contents may vary in their effects on attention across time.It has been suggested that different negative emotional contents have distinct effects on attention (e.g.,[6]),and the few extant studies testing this hypothesis suggest that differential patterns exist.For example,a recent study found that while difficulty disengaging attention is observed during exposure to fear and disgust stimuli,this effect is greater for disgust stimuli compared to fear stimuli [7].Vermeulen,Godefroid,and Mermillod [8] also found that processing fear exerts greater inhibitory responses on distractors relative to processing disgust.

英语翻译谢绝软件翻译Also,it is unclear how different aversive contents may vary in their effects on attention across time.It has been suggested that different negative emotional contents have distinct effects on attention (e.g.,[6]),and the
并且,不同令人厌恶的事物在一段时间内是如何影响注意力的,还尚未查明.有人提出,不同的负面情绪对注意力会有截然不同的影响(例如,[6],几个现存的验证这一假想的研究也表明,存在一些有差别的模式.例如,最近一项研究发现,当在恐惧和厌恶的刺激下难以转移注意力的时候,与害怕这种刺激相比,这种结果在厌恶的刺激下更加明显[7].Vermeulen,Godefroid,和 Mermillod[8] 也发现了相对于对厌恶的处理过程,对恐惧的处理过程会对分散注意力的东西产生更强烈的抑制反应.
这是我自己看着翻译的哈,首先说我不是学心理学的,只是读这段文字理解它,然后尽量用和英语原文相近一点的句子结构表达出来.很多专业词的叫法我都不知道,但意思肯定是对的.算是意译吧 嘿嘿 (这个原文标点什么的有些乱啊)

此外,目前还不清楚如何不同的厌恶的内容可能有不同的影响,注意跨越时间。有人认为,不同的负面情绪的内容有不同的影响,注意(例如,[ 6 ]),和一些现存的研究测试这一假说表明,差分模式的存在。例如,最近的一项研究发现,虽然难以脱离注意观察到在暴露于恐惧和厌恶的刺激,这种影响是更大的厌恶刺激的恐惧刺激[ 7 ]。韦尔默朗,戈德弗罗伊,和梅尔米约[ 8 ]还发现,处理恐惧施加更大的抑制反应的干扰与处理的...


此外,目前还不清楚如何不同的厌恶的内容可能有不同的影响,注意跨越时间。有人认为,不同的负面情绪的内容有不同的影响,注意(例如,[ 6 ]),和一些现存的研究测试这一假说表明,差分模式的存在。例如,最近的一项研究发现,虽然难以脱离注意观察到在暴露于恐惧和厌恶的刺激,这种影响是更大的厌恶刺激的恐惧刺激[ 7 ]。韦尔默朗,戈德弗罗伊,和梅尔米约[ 8 ]还发现,处理恐惧施加更大的抑制反应的干扰与处理的厌恶。


LOL VN怎么玩才好 用什么符文