一道A-Level物理题目A motorcycle stunt-rider moving horizontally takes off from a point 1.25m above the ground landing 10m away.what was the speed at take-off?A 5m/s B 10m/sC 15m/s D 20m/s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 08:33:47
一道A-Level物理题目A motorcycle stunt-rider moving horizontally takes off from a point 1.25m above the ground landing 10m away.what was the speed at take-off?A 5m/s B 10m/sC 15m/s D 20m/s

一道A-Level物理题目A motorcycle stunt-rider moving horizontally takes off from a point 1.25m above the ground landing 10m away.what was the speed at take-off?A 5m/s B 10m/sC 15m/s D 20m/s
A motorcycle stunt-rider moving horizontally takes off from a point 1.25m above the ground landing 10m away.
what was the speed at take-off?
A 5m/s
B 10m/s
C 15m/s
D 20m/s

一道A-Level物理题目A motorcycle stunt-rider moving horizontally takes off from a point 1.25m above the ground landing 10m away.what was the speed at take-off?A 5m/s B 10m/sC 15m/s D 20m/s
首先,要知道这是一道平抛运动的问题(projectile motion with horizontally initial speed)
然后,把整个运动分解到 同时进行 的两个垂直方向,也就是水平方向和竖直向下.(注意:速度和位移都是矢量,矢量是可以分解的.)所以位移r就可以用直角坐标系中的(x,y)表示;同时每一瞬间的速度v可以用(Vx,Vy)也就是水平和竖直方向的速度分量表示.(注意:这样分解的好处是最后可以用勾股定理表示真正的位移r和瞬时速度v;对于平抛运动而言,V=Vx,因为是水平抛出).
接着,水平方向由于没有受到任何外力,所以是匀速运动.那么x=Vx t
竖直方向只受到重力,所以是初速度为0的匀加速运动.那么y= 1/2 g t^2 (g=9.8) (注意两个式子当中的t是同一个值--数学当中的参数方程).
落地瞬间对应的水平坐标是x= 10,t=0.5,所以带入一式,得出Vx(也就是水平抛出速度)=10/0.5=20m/s.
所以选择 D

由s=1/2 aT^2 得加速度a=2m/s^2 又由受力分析,加速度a=gsinθ- gcosθ代入,解得 =0.339

