英语翻译【男人怔了怔,抬眼看见了站在浅辰旁边的柏川,立即受宠若惊地和他握手:“Nice to meet you too!” “It is the first time he comes to London.I guess he likes it.”柏川微微笑着,态度自信却相当有涵

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 09:54:26
英语翻译【男人怔了怔,抬眼看见了站在浅辰旁边的柏川,立即受宠若惊地和他握手:“Nice to meet you too!” “It is the first time he comes to London.I guess he likes it.”柏川微微笑着,态度自信却相当有涵

英语翻译【男人怔了怔,抬眼看见了站在浅辰旁边的柏川,立即受宠若惊地和他握手:“Nice to meet you too!” “It is the first time he comes to London.I guess he likes it.”柏川微微笑着,态度自信却相当有涵
【男人怔了怔,抬眼看见了站在浅辰旁边的柏川,立即受宠若惊地和他握手:“Nice to meet you too!”
“It is the first time he comes to London.I guess he likes it.”柏川微微笑着,态度自信却相当有涵养,“Are you living here?”
“Yes,but I’m from south of England.I moved here alone when I was 16.”
“London is sort of multiculturalism,do you think it’s too much hassle to work here?(2)”
“Yes it is!”英国男人相当认同地点点头,“People always have the mentality that It’s bad for democracy.But I’m loving it,it’s full of new things.”
“Really?I thought it was bad for women.”
“hahaha who cares about women.”英国男人看了看浅辰,“guys are always fitter.”
柏川轻声笑道:“I don't wanna disappoint you,but you can’t hit on him.”
“Why not?”
“because he’s not into men.(3)”
“What?No freaking way!”英国男人又看看浅辰,“He’s definitely not straight.I’m gay I can tell that.The way he looked at you were just like me looked at my first boyfriend.”
柏川怔了怔,半晌才低声说道:“No,he doesn’t fancy me … at all.”】
是一段小说里面的= = 是一个BL小说 大家不用管情节 直接翻译出来就是了 有些看得懂 有些看不懂= =

英语翻译【男人怔了怔,抬眼看见了站在浅辰旁边的柏川,立即受宠若惊地和他握手:“Nice to meet you too!” “It is the first time he comes to London.I guess he likes it.”柏川微微笑着,态度自信却相当有涵
【男人怔了怔,抬眼看见了站在浅辰旁边的柏川,立即受宠若惊地和他握手:“Nice to meet you too!(我也很高兴与你见面!)”
“It is the first time he comes to London.(这是他第一次来伦敦.)I guess he likes it.(我猜他喜欢这里.)”柏川微微笑着,态度自信却相当有涵养,“Are you living here?(你住在这里吗?)”
“Yes,but I’m from south of England.(是的,但是我是来自英国南部.) I moved here alone when I was 16.(我在16岁时独自搬到了这里.)”
“London is sort of multiculturalism,(伦敦有几分多元文化倾向,) do you think it’s too much hassle to work here?(你有认为在这里工作非常困难吗?P.S:hassle是名词或动词,这里作者用错了)(2)”
“Yes it is!(是的没错!)”英国男人相当认同地点点头,“People always have the mentality that It’s bad for democracy.(人们总是有这种心态,这对民主非常不利.) But I’m loving it,(但我爱着这里,) it’s full of new things.(这里充满了新鲜的东西.)”
“Really?(真的?) I thought it was bad for women.(我认为这对于女人而言很糟糕.)”
“hahaha who cares about women.(哈哈哈,谁关心女人呢.)”英国男人看了看浅辰,“guys are always fitter.(家伙们总能胜任的.)”
柏川轻声笑道:“I don't wanna disappoint you,(我不想让你失望,) but you can’t hit on him.(但是你不能打击(勾引?)他.)”
“Why not?(为什么?)”
“because he’s not into men.(因为他没有进入到男人们中去.P.S:这里我不好怎么翻译,所以直译了)(3)”
“What?No freaking way!(什么?别用这种怪方式!)”英国男人又看看浅辰,“He’s definitely not straight.(他当然不是正直的.) I’m gay I can tell that.(我是GAY所以我能告诉这些.) The way he looked at you were just like me looked at my first boyfriend.(他看你就像我看我的初恋男友一样.)”
柏川怔了怔,半晌才低声说道:“No,he doesn’t fancy me(不,他没有幻想我...) … at all.(绝对没有.)”】

英语翻译【男人怔了怔,抬眼看见了站在浅辰旁边的柏川,立即受宠若惊地和他握手:“Nice to meet you too!” “It is the first time he comes to London.I guess he likes it.”柏川微微笑着,态度自信却相当有涵 帮忙做篇阅读嘞 . 速度 马上就要我在电话亭等call回传,突然过来一个男人,急匆匆地,一边揩汗,一边劈抓过话筒.瞥眼看见我,手在半空中顿了一下.我示意他先打.显然是打给家里的.他用很重的 男人如何快速补精这几天想要孩子,一直禁欲,结果昨天晚上遗精了,眼看这几天就要了,吃什么才能快速补精提高精子质量 英语翻译“比男人更男人 ”(是一个女生想表明个性比男人更男人)我在词典翻译成了 Also men than men 我觉得有点不对吧,请问这个翻译正确吗, 凡卡为什么在写信前又斜着眼看了一下神像两边的楦头. 谁知道 如果我在 骑自行车 被狗追着 旁边又没人 眼看要追上了要怎么办? 多年绝迹的庶民私斗,眼看便要在流火七月纷纷攘攘地死灰复燃了 是什么意思? 英语翻译:某个女人,跟我的男人开了房. 英语翻译楼下哪位小姑娘是谁?从此又要少位好男人了! 咖啡一样的男人用英语翻译一下,摆脱了! 男人看女人第一眼看什么 英语翻译今天是周末.桑迪和苏准备去商店购物.在商店门口有一个老人专心地看着手机.他的身后站着一位偷偷摸摸的年轻男人.那个年轻男人是小偷!桑迪和苏上前阻止.年轻男人吓得逃跑了. 把硬币放在空碗里移动碗直至眼看不到硬币 往碗里加水为什么又能看到硬币了? 眼看快两个多星期就要开学了,我12, 我偏科,眼看就要初二分班了,怎么办? 天上眼看乌云翻滚就要下雨了 修改病句 凡卡之所以又斜着眼看了神像是因为? 快眼看书怎么变成星云搜盟了