高中英语连词是关于what(ever) how(ever) when(ever) where(ever)that which怎么用that which是不是定语从句成分不全再加讲的通俗一点,少说XX从句,语法像XXXXX一样

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 13:09:09
高中英语连词是关于what(ever) how(ever) when(ever) where(ever)that which怎么用that which是不是定语从句成分不全再加讲的通俗一点,少说XX从句,语法像XXXXX一样

高中英语连词是关于what(ever) how(ever) when(ever) where(ever)that which怎么用that which是不是定语从句成分不全再加讲的通俗一点,少说XX从句,语法像XXXXX一样
是关于what(ever) how(ever) when(ever) where(ever)
that which怎么用
that which是不是定语从句成分不全再加

高中英语连词是关于what(ever) how(ever) when(ever) where(ever)that which怎么用that which是不是定语从句成分不全再加讲的通俗一点,少说XX从句,语法像XXXXX一样
that 或which在定语从句里充当一个成分(主语或宾语),在定语从句中,当先行词是指物时,关系代词which可以由that代替,如果which不在介词之后,也可省略.在日常用语或口语中,which不作主语时可以省略.例:
Did you take away the book(which/that) I ahowed you yesterday?你把我昨天给你看的那本书拿走了吗?
The hotel at which we stayed was both cheap and comfortable.我们住的那家旅馆既便宜又舒适.
This is certainly not the book for which I paid./This is certainly not the book I paid for.这肯定不是我付钱买的那本书.
The lrtter that came this morning is from my father.今晨收到的那封信是我父亲寄来的.
The watch(that)you gave me keeps perfect time.你给我的那块手表走得准极了.
The photographs(that) you're looking at were taken by my mother.你正看的这些相片是我弟弟照的.
Did you see the letter that/which came today?今天来的信你看到了没有?
This is the one of which I'm speaking./This is the one I'm speaking of.这就是我说的那一个.
He changed his mind ,Which made me angry.他改变了主意,使我很生气.
he admires Mrs.Brown,which surprises me.他钦佩布郎太太,这使我感到惊奇.
All that can be done has been done.凡能做的事都已经做了.
You can't believe anything she says.她所说的什么话你都不能相信.
There's noghing you can do to help.你做什么也无能为力了.
I hope that the little that I've been able to do has been of some use.我希望我能够做到的那一点点是有些用处的.
This reference book contains much(little)that is useful.这本参考书中有很多(没有多少)有用的东西.
This is the most expensive watch(that)I've ever owned.这是我有过的最昂贵的一块表.
This is the best article that has ever been written on this subject.迄今为止在有关这个题目的文章中,这一篇是最好的.
五.当先行词被序数词或the very,the only,the last修饰时,要用that,不用which,作宾语时可以省去.例:
This is the first time(that)I've heard her sing.这是我头一次听她唱歌.
This is the rirst time I've been here.这是我头一次来这里.
That's the seventeenth beer(that)you've drunk this evening.那可是你今天晚上喝的第十七杯啤酒了.
It was the third time he had been in love that year.这是他那一年第三次谈恋爱了.
This is the very pen he used when he was writing the book.他写那本书时就是用这支笔.
This is the last thing one can say about it.决不能这样说.
To invent a lie about my mistake is the last thing I'll do.说谎话来掩盖我的错误是我最不愿意干的事.
The only thing that matters is to find our way home.只有一件事最重要,那就是找到回家的路.
六.当先行词被the same修饰时,用that表示同一件物品,用as表示相类似的一件物品,不能用which.例:
This is the same one as/that you had before.这跟你以前的一样/这就是你以前的那一个.
I saw the mistake at the(very)same moment that she did.我与她(正好)同时发现错误.
I bought the same car as yours/that you did.我买的那辆汽车和你的一模一样.
You've made the same mistakes as last time/that you made last time.你又犯了上次所犯的同一错误.
I like the writers and their works that you mentioned the other day.我喜欢你前几天提到的那些作家和他们的作品.
They were talking about the persons and things that they remembered in the school.他们在谈论他们能回忆起来在学校里的人和事.
China is no longer the country that it was.中国已不是过去的中国了.
My typewriter is not the machine(that)it was.我的打字机已不是过去的机器了.
Which is the car that was made in Beijing?哪辆汽车是北京制造的?
Read the passage to which I referred in my talk.读一下我在演讲中提到过的那段文章.
His new car,for which he paid £7000,has already had to be repaired.他花700英镑买来的那辆新车已经不得不修理了.
He changed his mind for the second time,after which I refused ever to go out with him again.他第二次变卦,以后我再也不跟他出去了.
The postman comes at 6.30 in the morning,at which time I am usually fast asleep.邮递员早晨六点半就到,而这时我通常还熟睡着呢.
He may come,in which case I'll ask him.他也许会来,来了我就问他.
There are 2 left,one of which is almost finished and the other of which is not quite.剩下两件事,一件快做完了,另一件还有得做.
Football,which is a popular game,is played all over the wofld.全世界都踢足球,它是一项很受欢迎的运动.
She spent all evening talking about her latest book,which none of us had ever heard of.她花了整个晚上谈她最近的新书,关于这本书,我们没有一个人听说过.
however用作连接副词,相当于no matter how,引导让步状语从句,意思是“不管怎样……”“无论如何……”,具体结构有以下两种:
However rich people are,they always seem anxious to take more money.
However fast he runs,he can’t catch up with us. 无论他跑得多快也不能赶上我们.
In one’s own home one can acts however he wishes. 在自己家里一个人想干什么都行.
(一)引导名词性从句,相当于anything that,意思是“所……的任何事情”,在语气上比what更加强调.例:
Whatever she did was right. 她所做的一切都是对的.
Take whatever you want. 你想要什么就拿什么吧.
(二)引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what,意思是“无论什么”,“不管什么”,whatever在从句中可作主语、宾语、表语或定语.例:
Whatever happens,you mustn’t lose your heart.
Whatever you do,do it well.
Whatever I am,it is useful to know foreign languages.
You have to go on whatever difficulties you meet.

however 是表转折的