
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 11:15:33


The end of a journey
is always the beginning of another
Change is painful
and always comes with the costs.
It hurts,
to bear those costs.
But we can't allow that to just sway us.
Tomorrow is a mystery
The only thing we can do is face it.
We move forward,always forward.
And we move into one's next
We make a choice,
and we act on that choice
And all it's left,
is to live in the hope.
But there are no gurantees in hope
There never are.
I wanna be
I wanna be,if I could,the sky
to see the going-down sun,
to feel that everlasting power.
I wanna be the clouds
to see the cloud-less sky,
there,sky is blue,blue is the sky.
I wanna be the eagle
to see the beautiful-shaped clouds
there I will know the pure white without dust.
I wanna be the tree
to see the resting eagle with head-up
so I also am proud of myself
I wanna be the grass
to see the huge tree
to learn how to be that great
I wanna be the land
to see the grass swinging with wind
than I will know the meaning to survive
I wanna be anything
see things from there eyes
feel the feeling they feel

maybe youself

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