So are they!是全倒装还是部分倒装?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 12:43:52
So are they!是全倒装还是部分倒装?

So are they!是全倒装还是部分倒装?
So are they!是全倒装还是部分倒装?

So are they!是全倒装还是部分倒装?
  在英语中最基本的语序是“主语+谓语+其他”,即:Who+ do+what+how+where+when.而且这个语序还十分固定.如果把主语后面的某一部分提到它前面,这就是倒装(Inversion).没有按照正常顺序排列句子成分,叫广义倒装.如果把谓语动词全部或部分放在主语的前面,叫狭义倒装.我们这里讨论的就是后者.如果谓语动词全部放到主语前面(主要适用于一般现在时和一般过去时,其他时态不能使用)叫完全倒装.如果是助动词或是情态动词放在主语前面,行为动词放在主语后面,叫部分倒装.
  In came the headmaster, followed by a group of teachers.
  There goes the bell.(完全倒装)
  Never shall I do that again.(部分倒装)
  Would you like to say something?(部分倒装)
  How can I get to the railway station?
  Only in this way can we learn English well.
  So early did he come to school that no other children came.
  Nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island.
  “Me, too,”said the boy anxiously.
  (1)“某些副词+不及物动词+主语”的句式,需要全部倒装.常用的副词主要有:here, there, now, then, out, in, down, up, away等),表示强调.主语是代词时,不必倒装.
  Out rushed the boy.
  Down came her brown wave.
  West of the lake lies the famous city.
  (3) There be+主语+地点.其中动词 be也可以是其他词,如 lie, stand等.
  There are many different kinds of mooncakes on the table.
  There in Greece lived a famous thinker, named Aristotle.
  “Let's go!”said the captain.
  “Take off your boots!”ordered the guard.
  (5)为了保持句子平衡,或为了强调表语或状语,或使上下文 紧密衔接时.
  They arrived at an old church, in front of which stood a big crowd of people.
  (6)用于so开头的句子,表示重复前面相同内容,意为“也怎么样”.另外,在结果状语从句句型: so…that…中,如果强调so…放在句首,主句需要部分倒装.
  I often go out for a walk after supper. So does she.
  So excited was she at the news that she couldn't say a word.
  (7)用于nor, neither开头的句子,表示重复前面相同内容,“也不怎么样”.
  Li Lei can't answer the question. Neither can I.
  If you don't wait for him, nor shall I.
  Only in this way can we get in touch with them.
  Only because he was ill was he absent from school.
  Only Mr wang knows abut it.
  (9)带有否定意义的词放在句首,语序需要部分倒装.常见的词语有:not, never, seldom, scarcely, barely, little, at no time, not only, not once, under no condition hardly…when, no sooner…than… 等.
  Little did I think he is a spy.
  Hardly had I reached home when it began to rain.
  No sooner had I entered the room than the phone rang.
  Should he be here next week, he would help us with the problem.
  Were there no light, we could see nothing. (11)用于某些表示祝愿的句子.
  May you succeed!祝你成功!
  Long live France!法兰西万岁!
  1.用于there be句型
  There are many students in the classroom. 教室里有很多学生.
  ①Here comes the bus. 车来了.
  ②There goes the bell. 铃响了.
  ③Now comes your turn. 该你的了.
  ④Out went the children. 孩子们出去了.
  ⑤Here it is. 在这儿.
  ⑥Here he comes. 他来了.
  ①South of the city lies a big steel factory. 城南有个大型钢铁厂.
  ②From the valley came a frightening sound. 山谷里传来了一阵吓人的声响.
  Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests. 出席会议的有怀特教授、史密斯教授以及其他的客人.
  Gone are the Days when they would Do what they liked. 他们可以随心所欲的日子过去了.
  Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys. 这些东西里有圣诞树、花儿、蜡烛和玩具.
  ①He has been to beijing. So have I. 他去过北京,我也去过.
  ②Li Wei can't answer the question. Neither can I.李威回答不了这个问题,我也不能.
  ①They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy. 他们来到了一个农舍,农舍前面坐着一个小男孩.
  ②Inside the classroom are the students and the teacher.
  Do you speak English? 你说英语吗?
  Had you reviewed your lessons, you might have passed the examination. 如果你复习了的话,你就会及格的.
  ①Pretty as she is, she is not clever. 尽管她很漂亮,可她不聪明.
  ②Try as he could, he might fall again. 尽管他可以试一试,他还会掉下来.
  Difficult as was the chemistry homework, it was finished in time. 尽管化学作业很难,还是及时完成了.
  ①Child as he was, he had to make a living. 尽管他还是个孩子,他不得不去谋生.
  注:用于no sooner… than…,hardly… when和not until的句型中.
  ②Not until the teacher came Did he finish his homework. 直到老师来了,他才写完作业.
  注:用于 never, hardly, seldom, scarcely, barely, little, often, at no time, at no time, not only, not once 等词开头的句子.
  ③Never shall I Do this again. 我再也不会这么做了.
  ④Little Did he know who the woman was. 他不太知道那个女的是谁.
  ①Only this afternoon Did I finish the novel. 就是在今天下午我才看完这本小说.
  ②Only in this way can you master English.只有用这种方法你才能掌握英语.
  ③Only when he told me Did I realize what trouble he was in. 只有在他告诉我的时候,我才知道他的麻烦.
  “Let's go,”said the man. “走啊,”那个男的说.
  May you succeed! 祝你成功!

So are they!是全倒装还是部分倒装? So do i.是完全倒装还是部分倒装 英语中,倒装句so do I是全部倒装还是部分倒装? in no family 倒装是全倒装还是部分?这是算方位副词还是否定词? 在so/such...that句型中,so/such置于句首时用部分倒装,但是你们看下这个例句哈so shallow is the lake that no fish can live in it这是个部分倒装还是全倒装?怎么看怎么想全倒装啊the lake 是主语吧,is和表语sh ...neither could they retreat是部分倒装还是完全倒装句 Hardly开头句子用全倒装还是部分倒装 倒装部分中有宾语从句 那么宾从中是前面一个谓语倒装呢 还是后面一个倒装 还是全倒装? so...that so提前部分倒装 但这句怎么解释so many people are crazy.不提前是什么样的?好像这个没有倒装 So selfish was she that everyone avoid talking with her.是完全还是部分倒装 1)So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.  2)So quickly did the workmen finish their work that they were given a……that有完全和部分倒装,怎么判断是部分还是完全倒装?1和2有什么区别? only+状语提前+倒装倒装是部分倒装还是完全倒装? 部分倒装中,如果主语是名词,用部分倒装还是全部倒装?请举例说明谢谢, so 加形容词放句首全部倒装还是部分倒装最好有例句 so+形容词置于句首主句半倒装还是全倒装 如So tall is he,he... 初中英语倒装句,比如so do i 这种句子,如何判断是否部分倒装还是全部倒装 否定词前面全倒装还是半倒装 so do i是完全倒装句.他这种类型的部分倒装句是什么