
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 08:11:14


On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and in my own name,on behalf of the Korean Workers Party meeting was successfully held,elected you as general secretary of the WPK and the top leadership election,expressed warm congratulations.
For a long time to Kim Jong Il the WPK headed by leading the Korean people,self-reliance and hard work in building Korean-style socialism has made great achievements.In recent years,the Korean people to build a strong country,in economic development,improving people's livelihood has made a series of gratifying results.
China and the DPRK share a profound traditional friendship,close to proximity,a wide range of common interests.Consolidate and develop China-DPRK friendly and cooperative relations is an unswerving policy of the party and government.No matter how the international situation changes,we will always from a strategic height and long-term perspective,maintain,and promote China-DPRK relations.We are willing to work together towards the efforts to promote China-DPRK relations to a new level,to better benefit the two peoples for the realization of lasting peace in the region,and make greater contribution to common prosperity.
Wish Comrade General Secretary Korean Workers Party and led the Korean people to build strong national development continue to make new and greater achievements.
Communist Party of China Central Committee General Secretary
Hu Jintao
September 28,2010 in Beijing

I, on behalf of the central committee of the communist party of China and in my personal name on north Korea, the workers congress was held successfully, recommend you for north Korea, and the general...


I, on behalf of the central committee of the communist party of China and in my personal name on north Korea, the workers congress was held successfully, recommend you for north Korea, and the general election workers produce the highest leadership, warm congratulations.
Long-term since, Kim jong il north Korea's chief secretary workers lead all of the north Korean people, self-reliance, arduous struggle, in the construction of socialist cause ChaoXianShi made great achievements. In recent years, for the construction of the north Korean people in economic development, national power, improving the people's livelihood and has a promising results.
China has profound traditional friendship, close geopolitical relations, extensive common interests. Consolidate and develop the bilateral friendly cooperative relationship is China's policy of the party and government firmly. Regardless of how the international situation changes, we always from a strategic and long-term perspective, maintenance, promote bilateral relations. We are willing to make joint efforts with the DPRK, promote bilateral relationship continuously in the new stage, the better for the benefit of both countries, people realize this area of lasting peace and common prosperity and make greater contribution.
Sincerely wish comrade party leadership and the north Korean people's construction workers in the country strong business in greater achievements in the new.
Chinese communist party central committee general secretary
A year on September 28th in Beijing


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英语翻译我谨代表中国共产党中央委员会并以我个人名义,对朝鲜劳动党成功召开代表会议,推举你为朝鲜劳动党总书记,并选举产生最高领导机构,表示热烈祝贺.长期以来,以金正日总书记为首 英语翻译XXX 现任中国共产党中央委员会总书记,中共中央军事委员会主席,中华人民共和国主席怎么翻译? 中国共产党中央委员会全体会议几年一届,一届开几次会议 国家主席和中国共产党中央委员会总书记有什么区别? 中国共产党中央委员会机关报的名称历史上有几种? 中国共产党中央委员会和全国人大常委会有什么区别?是不是一样的啊? 全国人民代表大会有权选举和任免中国共产党中央委员会总书记 这个为什么错啦 新中国成立初期,行使国家权力的机构是 A 全国人民代表大会 B中国共产党中央委员会 C 中国人民政治协商会议 英语翻译北京(Beijing,旧称Peking).简称京.中华人民共和国首都,中国共产党中央委员会驻地,中国中央四个直辖市之一,中国政治、经济和科学文化的中心,国内国际交往中心之一,全国第二大城 我国公民行使国家权力的机关是A.中国共产党中央委员会B.中央人民政府C.全国人民代表大会及地方各级人民代表大会 有权罢免国家主席的机关是( )A.最高人民法院 B.中国共产党中央委员会 C.全国人大常委会 D.全国人大 关于“中国共产党中央委员会主席”(中共中央主席)这个职务我在网上看到,好像很多人不清楚曾经有这个职务存在,又经常与国家主席混淆.有些人说毛泽东的继任人是刘少奇,又有些人说是 英语翻译中国农业银行股份有限公司 中国共产党隆林各族自治县支行委员会中国农业银行股份有限公司隆林各族自治县支行 英语翻译我连续3年获得国家奖学金,并加入了中国共产党 求中国共产党发展简史如 1921年7月1日 建党中国共产党正式成立1935年1月15日至17日 遵义会议结束了王明“左”倾机会主义路线在党中央的统治,确立了以毛泽东为代表的新的中央正确领导,把 英语翻译中国国情调查研究委员会 “洋务派在中央以恭亲王奕新为代表”. 中国共产党各级地方委员会的正确全称和简称是什么?