英语语法高手请进!关于which从句的用法The speed controller presented here is designed to drive a simple cheap starter motor from a car,which can be purchased from any scrap yard.中的which指代car还是motor?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/30 08:53:42
英语语法高手请进!关于which从句的用法The speed controller presented here is designed to drive a simple cheap starter motor from a car,which can be purchased from any scrap yard.中的which指代car还是motor?

英语语法高手请进!关于which从句的用法The speed controller presented here is designed to drive a simple cheap starter motor from a car,which can be purchased from any scrap yard.中的which指代car还是motor?
The speed controller presented here is designed to drive a simple cheap starter motor from a car,which can be purchased from any scrap yard.中的which指代car还是motor?

英语语法高手请进!关于which从句的用法The speed controller presented here is designed to drive a simple cheap starter motor from a car,which can be purchased from any scrap yard.中的which指代car还是motor?
一般来讲,定语从句的引导词which应该尽量接近先行词,即在严格的书面英文中,默认which前面的名词为先行词.但是,which进行跳跃指代的情况并不罕见,例如……A of B,which……,此时的which有可能跳跃指代A,因为在这种结构中,实在无法把A of B再拆开.因此,遇到这种结构,which究竟如何指代,应该更多的从句意或者语法上理解,比如看which后面的动词是单数还是复数,而A、B两个名词是否存在单复数的区别.
在楼主给出的例句中,恰恰出现了 A prep B,which 的结构,从句意和语法的角度来理解,似乎都无法区分,既可以说motor可以买到,也可以说car可以买到.因此,遇到此种情况,在没有明确的提示说明which指代motor的时候,我的倾向是尊重严格的书面英文规则,默认which前面的名词为先行词,即which指代car.


前面的from a car 也说明了要用motor

from a car还是在修饰motor的

