1、I go to ( ) school after ( ) breakfast every day.A:the,the B:/,the C:/,/ D:the,/2、Does your mother have a ( ).____ Yes,she does.She ( ) in a big art club.A:job,works B:work,works C:work,job D:job,work3、She often goes to movies ( ) Sunday ev

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 04:06:20
1、I go to ( ) school after ( ) breakfast every day.A:the,the B:/,the C:/,/ D:the,/2、Does your mother have a ( ).____ Yes,she does.She ( ) in a big art club.A:job,works B:work,works C:work,job D:job,work3、She often goes to movies ( ) Sunday ev

1、I go to ( ) school after ( ) breakfast every day.A:the,the B:/,the C:/,/ D:the,/2、Does your mother have a ( ).____ Yes,she does.She ( ) in a big art club.A:job,works B:work,works C:work,job D:job,work3、She often goes to movies ( ) Sunday ev
1、I go to ( ) school after ( ) breakfast every day.
A:the,the B:/,the C:/,/ D:the,/
2、Does your mother have a ( ).
____ Yes,she does.She ( ) in a big art club.
A:job,works B:work,works C:work,job D:job,work
3、She often goes to movies ( ) Sunday evening.
A:at B:in C:on D:for
4、( ) funny time to play soccer!
A:What B:What a C:How D:How a
5、Jerry ( ) early morning news on TV every day.
A:sees B:reads C:watches D:looks at
6、My father works ( ).
A:all the night B:all night C:all the day D:all night long
7、My family usually eat dinner( )6:30 pm in the evening.
A:about B:at around C:around D:around at
8、Saturday is the ( )day of the week.
A:last B:first C:seven D:sixth
9、Let's ( )at seven o'clock.
A:goes to school B:going to school C:go to school D:to go to school
10、When do you usually have your breakfast?
__ At ( )
A:five to seven B:half past twenty C:a quarter to two D:a quarter past ten

1、I go to ( ) school after ( ) breakfast every day.A:the,the B:/,the C:/,/ D:the,/2、Does your mother have a ( ).____ Yes,she does.She ( ) in a big art club.A:job,works B:work,works C:work,job D:job,work3、She often goes to movies ( ) Sunday ev