housekeeping & suggestions for final quiz law & ...本人才学疏浅,简略的回答就可以.HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES QUIZ Q 1.List five (5) reasons for cleaning.Q 2.Explain the purpose of 6 items on the floor trolleyQ 3.List 2 the advantages of trai

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 11:33:49
housekeeping & suggestions for final quiz law & ...本人才学疏浅,简略的回答就可以.HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES QUIZ Q 1.List five (5) reasons for cleaning.Q 2.Explain the purpose of 6 items on the floor trolleyQ 3.List 2 the advantages of trai

housekeeping & suggestions for final quiz law & ...本人才学疏浅,简略的回答就可以.HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES QUIZ Q 1.List five (5) reasons for cleaning.Q 2.Explain the purpose of 6 items on the floor trolleyQ 3.List 2 the advantages of trai
housekeeping & suggestions for final quiz law & ...
Q 1.List five (5) reasons for cleaning.
Q 2.Explain the purpose of 6 items on the floor trolley
Q 3.List 2 the advantages of training room attendants
Q 4.Why must room attendants follow procedures in Housekeeping.
Q 5.List 4 examples of safe work practices you must do when cleaning a guest room
Q 7.List five (3) types of vacuum cleaners and explain the
suitability of each type.
Short Answer Questions
Question 1.
As a manager of a 4 star hotel describe three (3) managerial responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000
Question 2.
List and describe four (4) common causes of accidents in a hospitality workplace
Question 3.
List five (5) hazard groups
Give one (1) hospitality workplace example for each hazard listed
For each example provide a possible control measure
Hazard Example of Hazard Control Measure
15 marks
Question 4.
Discuss the three (3) factors used to estimate this risk assessment from question 3 eg.Consequence …
Question 5.
You are a chef and have cut 3 of your fingers resulting in tendon damage.You cannot use your hand properly and have been off work 23 weeks
A.Are you still entitled to Workers Compensation?Discuss
B.What are your employer’s responsibilities in getting you back to work as soon as possible?
Question 6.
List and describe the purpose of two (2) types of OHS records that must be kept.
Question 7.
Explain ‘Due Diligence’ with regard to OHS in a hospitality workplace
Question 8.
You are staying at a 3 star city hotel.You went out for dinner and while you were out your brand new $800.00 camera was stolen from your room
A.Is the hotel liable to reimburse you for the camera?Provide reasons
B.Identify and discuss the Act covering the incident above
C.Discuss how the hotel would protect itself in the future against claims like this
Question 9.
An employee in a large establishment receives a bomb threat over the phone.As the duty manager what procedure should you follow?
Question 10.
A guest has slipped in the lobby of your establishment and broken her ankle and smashed her lap-top computer.Identify your legal obligations,and list procedures to prevent a reoccurrence
Question 11
Jimmy Smit has been working as a full time bar attendant for the past six months
and has noted a regular number of near misses and minor accidents occurring in his
work area.In the space below design an appropriate form which could be used to document hazards.The form will be used for the purpose of evaluation and documentation by future management.
Question 12
Discuss the legal obligation regarding training staff in Occupational Health and Safety matters in a hospitality establishment.Include details of when it is necessary to train staff.

housekeeping & suggestions for final quiz law & ...本人才学疏浅,简略的回答就可以.HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES QUIZ Q 1.List five (5) reasons for cleaning.Q 2.Explain the purpose of 6 items on the floor trolleyQ 3.List 2 the advantages of trai


Q 1. List five (5) reasons for cleaning.
Q 2. Explain the purpose of 6 items on the floor trolley
Q 3. List 2 the advantages of training room attendants
Q 4. Why must room attendants fo...


Q 1. List five (5) reasons for cleaning.
Q 2. Explain the purpose of 6 items on the floor trolley
Q 3. List 2 the advantages of training room attendants
Q 4. Why must room attendants follow procedures in Housekeeping.
Q 5. List 4 examples of safe work practices you must do when cleaning a guest room
Q 7. List five (3) types of vacuum cleaners and explain the
suitability of each type.
Short Answer Questions
Question 1.
As a manager of a 4 star hotel describe three (3) managerial responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000
Question 2.
List and describe four (4) common causes of accidents in a hospitality workplace
Question 3.
List five (5) hazard groups
Give one (1) hospitality workplace example for each hazard listed
For each example provide a possible control measure
Hazard Example of Hazard Control Measure
15 marks
Question 4.
Discuss the three (3) factors used to estimate this risk assessment from question 3 eg. Consequence …
Question 5.
You are a chef and have cut 3 of your fingers resulting in tendon damage. You cannot use your hand properly and have been off work 23 weeks
A. Are you still entitled to Workers Compensation? Discuss
B. What are your employer’s responsibilities in getting you back to work as soon as possible?
Question 6.
List and describe the purpose of two (2) types of OHS records that must be kept.
Question 7.
Explain ‘Due Diligence’ with regard to OHS in a hospitality workplace
Question 8.
You are staying at a 3 star city hotel. You went out for dinner and while you were out your brand new $800.00 camera was stolen from your room
A. Is the hotel liable to reimburse you for the camera? Provide reasons
B. Identify and discuss the Act covering the incident above
C. Discuss how the hotel would protect itself in the future against claims like this
Question 9.
An employee in a large establishment receives a bomb threat over the phone. As the duty manager what procedure should you follow?
Question 10.
A guest has slipped in the lobby of your establishment and broken her ankle and smashed her lap-top computer. Identify your legal obligations, and list procedures to prevent a reoccurrence
Question 11
Jimmy Smit has been working as a full time bar attendant for the past six months
and has noted a regular number of near misses and minor accidents occurring in his
work area. In the space below design an appropriate form which could be used to document hazards. The form will be used for the purpose of evaluation and documentation by future management.
Question 12
Discuss the legal obligation regarding training staff in Occupational Health and Safety matters in a hospitality establishment. Include details of when it is necessary to train staff.


Q 1. List five (5) reasons for cleaning.
1.Keep Hygienic and healthy environment.
2.Prevent sickness.
3.Better maintainence of hotel/organization.
4.Match the standards of regulator.<...


Q 1. List five (5) reasons for cleaning.
1.Keep Hygienic and healthy environment.
2.Prevent sickness.
3.Better maintainence of hotel/organization.
4.Match the standards of regulator.
5.Kill the bacteria
Q 2. Explain the purpose of 6 items on the floor trolley
Q 3. List 2 the advantages of training room attendants
1.More qualified and effecient for the work.
2.Improve the standard of quality.
Question 3.
List five (5) hazard groups
Give one (1) hospitality workplace example for each hazard listed
For each example provide a possible control measure
Hazard Example of Hazard Control Measure
In resturant
1.purchasing.When your resturant purchase the goods, have to check the quality,e.g.the fish whether is fresh enough.
2.Delivery. You have to make sure the package, e.g.if sealed, whether damaged or not. Keep the safety and fresh of material require the reasonable method of delivery.
3.Storage. You have the standard for storage of different material and specific standards.
4. Producing. In the kitchen, you have the standard of production and cooking, e.g.use color code to prevent cross contamination, etc.
5.Service. Keep the standards of hygienic of waiters and waitress,estabilish SOP and more training is necessary.
