英语翻译Question 2 Government policies such as taxes,labor standards and business regulations may be used to restrict international trade.Discuss this statement using examples to explain how and why these trade distortions and restriction may occ

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 14:18:42
英语翻译Question 2 Government policies such as taxes,labor standards and business regulations may be used to restrict international trade.Discuss this statement using examples to explain how and why these trade distortions and restriction may occ

英语翻译Question 2 Government policies such as taxes,labor standards and business regulations may be used to restrict international trade.Discuss this statement using examples to explain how and why these trade distortions and restriction may occ
Question 2
Government policies such as taxes,labor standards and business regulations may be used to restrict international trade.Discuss this statement using examples to explain how and why these trade distortions and restriction may occur.
Question 4
The four main participants in international financial markets are commercial banks,corporations,non-bank institutions and speculators.From your understanding of the role played by each of these participants,explain how they have contributed to the current world financial crisis.

英语翻译Question 2 Government policies such as taxes,labor standards and business regulations may be used to restrict international trade.Discuss this statement using examples to explain how and why these trade distortions and restriction may occ
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Question 2
Government policies such as taxes,labor standards and business regulations may be used to restrict international trade.Discuss this statement using examples to explain how and why these trade distortions and restriction may occur.
英文回答:Nowadays,trade distortions and restriction occurs a lot.Governments desire to reduce distortions and impediments to international trade,and taking into account the need to promote effective and adequate protection of intellectual property rights,and to ensure that measures and procedures to enforce intellectual property rights do not themselves become barriers to legitimate trade.
For example,The international trade law,Also large diesel vehicles must meet Euro II standards and small ones Euro phase I standards,which are currently enforced in the European Union,or US government makes imported vehicles must meet U.S.safety and environmental standards and comply with customs regulations.
比如,国际贸易法,更如大型柴油车辆必须符合Euro II废气标准,而小型柴油车辆则须符合Euro第一期废气标准,这些均为欧盟正在实施的标准.再如,美国政府规定,进口汽车必须达到美国的安全和环保标准,而且也要按照海关条例规定办事.
Question 4
The four main participants in international financial markets are commercial banks,corporations,non-bank institutions and speculators.From your understanding of the role played by each of these participants,explain how they have contributed to the current world financial crisis.
英文回答:I think the four main participants in international financial markets --commercial banks,corporations,non-bank institutions and speculators fix their currencies at the grossly overvalued rates that contributed to past financial crises.
1,commercial banks.Credit risk is one of the oldest and most important financial risks in commercial banks for 700 years.Its broad existence is an important character in modern finance,the root of bad assets,liquidity crisis in banks,and also is one of the basic reasons for territorial or global crisis.
2,To pursue the maximal profit is the basic purpose of corporation existing.As a result,"High Stakes,Big Bets." also is one of the basic reasons for territorial or global crisis.
3,Non-bank institutions and speculators.They go after high risk.It certainly caused crisis.
1,从700 年前银行诞生之日起,信用风险就成为商业银行最古老,同时也是最主要的风险之一,其广泛存在更是现代金融的重要特征,是导致银行资产质量下降、出现流动性危机的主要根源,也是导致区域性乃至全球性金融危机的根本原因之一.

政府的政策,如税收、 劳动标准和商业法规可能用于限制国际贸易。讨论使用示例解释为什么这些贸易扭曲和限制可能会发生。
在国际金融市场中的四个主要参与者是商业银行、 公司、 非银行机构和投机者。从你对每个这些参与者的作用的理解解释他们如何有助于当前的世界金融危机。


政府的政策,如税收、 劳动标准和商业法规可能用于限制国际贸易。讨论使用示例解释为什么这些贸易扭曲和限制可能会发生。
在国际金融市场中的四个主要参与者是商业银行、 公司、 非银行机构和投机者。从你对每个这些参与者的作用的理解解释他们如何有助于当前的世界金融危机。
