men usually go straight to _they want and leave quickly when shopping A.what B.which usually go straight to _they want and leave quickly when shopping A.what B.which B.where D.that求分析过程?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 03:13:31

men usually go straight to _they want and leave quickly when shopping A.what B.which usually go straight to _they want and leave quickly when shopping A.what B.which B.where D.that求分析过程?
men usually go straight to _they want and leave quickly when shopping A.what B.which ...
men usually go straight to _they want and leave quickly when shopping A.what B.which B.where D.that求分析过程?

men usually go straight to _they want and leave quickly when shopping A.what B.which usually go straight to _they want and leave quickly when shopping A.what B.which B.where D.that求分析过程?

where. men usually go straight to (where they want ),是定语从句,整句话的意思是购物的时候人们通常直接去他们想去的地方并且很快离开

分析:to为介词,其后跟宾语,由which引导宾语从句。which在主句:men usually go straight to ——中为宾语,在从句they want ()中也是宾语

分析:go straight to 的意思是“去。。。地方”,因为后面没有加地点,所以要加一个能代替表示表示地点的词。选项中what可代替物,which意思不对也读不通,如果用that则没有地点了。