
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 08:54:34


Harmony between man and nature is economic and social development to a certain extent,a certain stage,the only way is to sum up experiences and lessons of humanity after the inevitable choice,time goes by,the dramatic increase in population,human experience and the accumulation of knowledge and the development of science and technology ,especially after the industrial revolution,human transformation of nature,affect the ability of the natural growing .more than 100 years ago,Engels pointed out that human beings can change the natural order to make the natural world for their own purposes,to dominate the natural world,but every step we take must be kept in mind that human domination of nature is not standing outside nature

good morning (or afternoon)! It is my great pleasure to stand right here today to give a speech. I am going to talk about "small kindness". I believe, small kindness can make great wonders. Our world ...


good morning (or afternoon)! It is my great pleasure to stand right here today to give a speech. I am going to talk about "small kindness". I believe, small kindness can make great wonders. Our world can be filled with love if each of us can extend our small kindness to others. The effect of these small kindnesses put together is more powerful than a few big kindnesses. I can vividly remember still what my first philosophy teacher told us in class. He told us that human beings easily expose their genuine characters as they react to the behavior of others. It's the reaction to the behavior of others that we gain insight into ours. I am relaying to you now my own experience after realizing the true meaning of his words. Each day, we are dealing with a lot of people. These could be our parent, brothers, sisters, teachers, classmates, office-mates, hawkers, security guards, etc. etc. In our interaction with them all, we can extend our small kindness to them to give them happier feelings. What about saying "thank you" to your mom after she wakes you up in the morning so you won't be late for school? What about making a remark like: Miss So, I really enjoyed your lecture today. You did a great job explaining to us how we can protect our environment. We do not have to hand out physical objects when we offer these small kindnesses. A visible smile on the face to show your appreciation of the attention you received from someone passing by is another example of that wonderful small kindness. You do it to all who have interaction with you, strangers included. Imagine a lady walking into a wedding reception from the cold, knowing no one there as she is there for her employer who cannot afford the time to come. Greet her with a smile so she has a handle to the party right away. Once she has someone to connect to, she will feel much relaxed for the rest of the night. This is the very little kindness anyone of us can offer. Just be considerate and observant of the human souls around us. In fact, you can now start practicing this small kindness on me. Clap your hands if you like my speech. It will make my day the greatest day in my life for having delivered a speech in English.


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