谁可以帮我写篇英文观点作文啊(小孩该不该看电视)200字左右就可以啦 或留下点观点小孩该不该看电视

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 04:34:07

谁可以帮我写篇英文观点作文啊(小孩该不该看电视)200字左右就可以啦 或留下点观点小孩该不该看电视

谁可以帮我写篇英文观点作文啊(小孩该不该看电视)200字左右就可以啦 或留下点观点小孩该不该看电视
In recent years,television has become the most popular form of entertainment—almost every family has a television now.Television has brought people much pleasure and information.On television,people can watch Olympic games,they can visit well-known scenic spots,and they can also enjoy a movie with a cup of coffee in their hands.From TV,people are informed about many things happening in the world,and people who live in different areas can also watch programs made in other countries so as to understand different cultures.However,some people argue against TV.They think spending too much time watching TV will affect human relationship.Suppose a whole family were glued to seats to watch programs on TV whenever they can.They would be so addicted to TV that it would begin to control their lives.As a result,they WOUld neglect communication with each other,so day by day,families and friends would not discuss things together,and a gap between them would appear.In my opinion,we shouldn't deny the advantages TV just because it has some drawbacks.The point is that TV itself is neither good nor bad.Its value to people and society depends on how we look at it.
看电视的利与弊 Advantages and disadvantages of watching TV
Nowadays more and more people like to watch TV.So TV plays a very important part in our life.But watching TV has both advantages and disadvantages.Generally,the advantages can be listed as follows.
Firstly,you can expand your knowledge by watching TV.As we all know,learning things by TV is much faster than by listening to the radio or just by reading books.For it has colorful pictures as well as wonderful music.
Secondly,you may know anybody you want to know such as famous singers,super stars,scientists and so on.
What’s more,you can go everywhere by traveling programs.Let’s suppose,if you like traveling very much,but you have to work on weekends or holidays,you must be very sad.And now open your TV and it’ll take you to anywhere.
Every coin has two sides.The disadvantages are also obvious.For example,watching too much TV can easily become short-sighted,especially for children and students.To make matters worse,some young students are keen on watching TV so that they give up their studies gradually.
Through above analysis,I think watching TV is a way of studying,it is good for us to watch TV.But when we watch TV,we should make a plan otherwise watching TV will destroy our life.

谁可以帮我写篇英文观点作文啊(小孩该不该看电视)200字左右就可以啦 或留下点观点小孩该不该看电视 谁有(小孩该不该看电视)的英文作文啊 议论文 老人摔倒了该不该扶我的观点 不该扶 要写驳论的 700字左右也可以写 观点该扶 要写驳论我要议论文 不是要你们评论 ok? 孩子就要开学了,我该不该帮他写? 写作业时该不该听音乐呢 观点 英语作文怎么写 急求大神帮我解析一下“不该错过的风景”这篇作文题目该怎么写.需要详细一点的分析,得有两百字左右 用英语写篇作文,辩论该不该学习方言,正反方都可以. 《愚公该不该移山》这篇作文怎么写.符合中学生的水平就可以. 英文作文谁可以帮我 作文该不该写真实的事戒烟的事,我劝爸爸之间戒烟的事.1.应该写真实的事2.不该写真实的事戒烟的事,我劝爸爸之间戒烟的事。还可以帮我写宋俊萍被狠狠地打光屁股的故事, 跌倒的老人该不该扶(议论文)我的观点 观点该扶 要写驳论的 700字左右我是写议论文好吧, 《 压岁钱该不该拿 》作文怎么写? 该不该把心里话跟家长老师说,写一篇英文作文80字左右, 谁可以用这些词帮我写一篇英文作文? 野猪啃食玉米,该不该打?以前,可以开枪的.现在,不行,有《野生动物保护法》.我觉得该打,谁知道理由啊?要多,我要写作文的,最好要3个理由以上,最少3个. 我到底该不该写作业 小孩的英文怎么写我急着写作文 以等待为话题写篇作文,希望帮我提炼一个观点.只要一个观点,一个方向