麻烦把一下用书信英文翻译一下奶奶,您好: 您和爷爷在武汉过得好吧,现在上海开世博会了,好热闹呀. 9月份爸爸带着我去世博园参观了.兴奋的我直奔向浦西的国家电网馆,排了不到半小

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 05:04:16

麻烦把一下用书信英文翻译一下奶奶,您好: 您和爷爷在武汉过得好吧,现在上海开世博会了,好热闹呀. 9月份爸爸带着我去世博园参观了.兴奋的我直奔向浦西的国家电网馆,排了不到半小
随后我和爸爸参观了中国馆,中国馆的展馆建筑外观以“东方之冠,鼎盛中华,天下粮仓,富庶百姓”的构思主题,表达中国文化的精神与气质. 展馆的展示以“寻觅”为主线,带领参观者行走在“东方足迹”、“寻觅之旅”、“低碳行动”三个展区,在“寻觅”中发现并感悟城市发展中的中华智慧.展馆从当代切入,回顾中国三十多年来城市化的进程,凸显三十多年来中国城市化的规模和成就,回溯、探寻中国城市的底蕴和传统.随后,一条绵延的“智慧之旅”引导参观者走向未来,感悟立足于中华价值观和发展观的未来城市发展之路.


麻烦把一下用书信英文翻译一下奶奶,您好: 您和爷爷在武汉过得好吧,现在上海开世博会了,好热闹呀. 9月份爸爸带着我去世博园参观了.兴奋的我直奔向浦西的国家电网馆,排了不到半小
Grandma, hello:
You and grandpa in wuhan live well, now, Shanghai world expo, good lively open ah.
September dad took me to death expo garden visited. Excited I ran down to the national grid puxi museum, the queue for less than half an hour's team, we successfully entered. Various demonstrated in front of about electricity information and pictures material, all lets us gutty instant electrocuted feeling! Soon, we will follow the crowds came to "the box" areas. Look! One touch screen panel on the wall, can take you into strange game world, make you hangchow, stop. Some enjoyable after, I and my father was crowded into another crowd - it was a new game interactive platform, people are using their fingers apart in the heart pleasantly surprised and happy! A few minutes later, my father and I went into the stereoscopic the box, six surface performance hall film images let me too many things to see. I supinely under depending on the left gu right look, just discover originally wanted to experience stereo feeling also not easy! Enjoy good visual impact, we in the grid museum trip also already approaching the end...
Then my dad and I visited ZhongGuoGuan, ZhongGuoGuan exhibition building exterior with "Oriental's crown, height of the granary, rich people," concept, the expression of Chinese culture theme spirit and temperament. The exhibition hall of display with "search" as the main line, lead visitors walk in the "Oriental footprint" and "seeking trip", "low carbon action" three galleries, in the "search" find and comprehension city developing Chinese wisdom. Hall from contemporary cuts, reviews the thirty years urbanization, highlight 30 years of China's urbanization scale and achievements, back, explore the foundation and the traditional Chinese cities. Subsequently, a stretch of "wisdom tour guide visitors into the future, and comprehension based on values and outlook in the future urban development way.
I visited one day international horticultural expo garden, see a hall not many, but through 2010 world expo I know "better city, better life" is our common dream. By visiting makes me feel every galleries all has its own characteristics, they will show one another for the world.
Grandmother, you also came to Shanghai right, want to you, if you come to Shanghai words I show you died, the government can be fun playing expo garden. Best wishes and grandparents healthy body, all the luck.
Samson: so-and-so