
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:15:44


Dear treasure:Worked together for several months,has had the contradiction,alsohad the happiness.Comes from the different place,with place the one room work,is thefate.Before some worked is not happy,hoped vanished into thin airalong with the time.Diligently works,lives well,shares our work experience and theattainment together,the life amusing thing,says smiles together!Weall are the good child which progresses!Refuels!

My Dear :
We have worked for several months together, and have been contradictions, also happiness.
We Work in the same room from different places, it is the fate. I hope Some former unpleas...


My Dear :
We have worked for several months together, and have been contradictions, also happiness.
We Work in the same room from different places, it is the fate. I hope Some former unpleasant will disappear in a flash with time. Work hard, live a better life, share our working experience 、gains and the anecdote of life together, say that with smiles! We are all enterprising good children! Come on!


Dear baby,
We have worked together for several months, with happiness as well as contradiction.
We come from different places, but work in the same office, which is a real fate. Those unnpleas...


Dear baby,
We have worked together for several months, with happiness as well as contradiction.
We come from different places, but work in the same office, which is a real fate. Those unnpleasant things in the work, I hope, will fade away with time.
Work hard, live a better life, share our experience and gains in the work, and also share those anecdotes of our life; I wish we could speak out those things and laugh together. We are all motivated good children.


英语翻译亲爱的宝贝:一起工作几个月了,有过矛盾,也有欢乐.来自不同的地方,同处一室工作,是缘分.以前的一些工作上的不愉快,希望随着时间烟消云散.努力工作,好好生活,共同分享我们的工 英语翻译,亲爱的,我们一起买东西吧. 亲爱的宝贝我想你了.英语怎么说 《亲爱的宝贝.如果有一天,我消失了,你会找我吗?》的英语翻译怎么写? 宝贝九个月了的英文翻译 宝贝 甜心 达令 亲爱的 这几个词英文怎么写. 亲爱的宝贝 别生气 英文怎么说? 我错了我真心希望你能原谅我亲爱的王月 英语翻译 英语翻译求英语翻译,亲爱的,每天都很想、很想看到你开心的样子,你开心了,我才会感觉得到幸福.亲爱的,如果有什么不开心的,记得要和我说,我愿意陪你一起难过.亲爱的,从说爱你的那一天起 亲爱的丑鬼,宝贝累了,我想放弃.的英文怎么写 英语翻译亲爱的老公:3月25号那天我们走到了一起,你英俊帅气,风度翩翩,你说你会照顾我,让我幸福,你不知道我当时心里有多么高兴.事实正是如此,你确实给了我幸福,和你在一起我很高兴,我 汶川地震,一位伟大的母亲写了一条信息:亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你 .你有什么感受 英语翻译亲爱的爸爸妈妈,谢谢你们一起陪我走过的风风雨雨.一起宵夜,一起游玩,一起哄我入睡……累了有你们的肩膀靠,再苦再累的日子有你们陪我一起度过.就算你们一天天变老,请记着我的 英语翻译:“亲爱的,我来了”怎么说? 英语翻译首先我想说,亲爱的,很高兴我们成为了一对恋人,一起工作半年,尽管我们都 不曾想过会成为现在这样,但是很幸运我们走到了一起,你站在我旁边的时候.我喜欢抬头看着你,喜欢看你笑 “我的宝贝”英语翻译? 英语翻译亲爱的宝贝女儿,爸爸在国内非常想你.你最近很乖嘛?那里下雪了吗?出去堆雪人了吗?爸爸等你回来,或者去看你. 我们的宝贝,英文要怎么说.除了OUR BABY或者可以加形容词,比如我们亲爱的宝贝,或者我们最爱的宝贝最好是our baby的中间加个形容词.想要的感觉是很甜蜜很幸福很温暖,有宝宝了,那是一切的感