请问of having accept,of embezzling和of obstructing 在句中做什么成分?of doing结构该如何使用?he was convicted of having accepting bribes worth $3.6 million,of embezzling more than $800,000 in state funds and of obstructing the investi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 09:22:27

请问of having accept,of embezzling和of obstructing 在句中做什么成分?of doing结构该如何使用?he was convicted of having accepting bribes worth $3.6 million,of embezzling more than $800,000 in state funds and of obstructing the investi
请问of having accept,of embezzling和of obstructing 在句中做什么成分?of doing结构该如何使用?
he was convicted of having accepting bribes worth $3.6 million,of embezzling more than $800,000 in state funds and of obstructing the investigation into Hewood’s death.

请问of having accept,of embezzling和of obstructing 在句中做什么成分?of doing结构该如何使用?he was convicted of having accepting bribes worth $3.6 million,of embezzling more than $800,000 in state funds and of obstructing the investi
句中的of having accepting,of embezzling ,of obstructing 都做of这个介词的宾语,介词后需要动词时都用动词的-ing形式.凡是以介词收尾的短语后面都用doing形式,比如:be interested in,take proud in 等等,后接动词ing形式.谈不上of短语如何使用,此处要掌握的是be convicted of doing sth 被指控.

be convicted of表示”被判有什么罪“,of后面表示被判罪的内容和原因。这里因为三条罪内容比较长,所以后两个没有省略of,使得结构更加清晰。
最好不要把of doing单独看,不然你会很迷惑。
句子大意:他被判有罪,罪名包括:贪污受贿360万美元,盗用国库公款80万美元,以及妨碍对Hewood之死的司法调查。谢谢,还想请问of having accepting 这里助动...


be convicted of表示”被判有什么罪“,of后面表示被判罪的内容和原因。这里因为三条罪内容比较长,所以后两个没有省略of,使得结构更加清晰。
最好不要把of doing单独看,不然你会很迷惑。


of是介词,介词后跟动词要用-ing形式,就是of doing之意,doing为介词宾语。

he是主语 was convicted of 是谓语 having accepted bribes worth $3.6 million是宾语, of embezzling more than $800,000 in state funds 是并列宾语and of obs...


he是主语 was convicted of 是谓语 having accepted bribes worth $3.6 million是宾语, of embezzling more than $800,000 in state funds 是并列宾语and of obstructing the investigation into Hewood’s death是并列宾语.
这是 be convicted of 句型 后面 是动名词 作宾语 所并列的两个宾语 没有去掉of 是为了表达清晰


请问of having accept,of embezzling和of obstructing 在句中做什么成分?of doing结构该如何使用?he was convicted of having accepting bribes worth $3.6 million,of embezzling more than $800,000 in state funds and of obstructing the investi we should accept other 's opinions with a grain of salt .请问这句话什么意思? If that is what i deserve,I would accept it with the hope of having you all hereif that is what I deserve 简单虚拟语气:如果这是我想要的(也可能是我应得的)I would accept it with the hope of having you all here 简单虚拟 accept Accept: 请问这句英文什么意思Even I accept or refuse is none of your business“Even I accept or refuse is none of your business”请问这句英文什么意思啊? 3句英译汉1.I don't believe you're sorry.2.That was clumsy of me!3.O.K.O.K Enough is enough.I accept your apologies. 雅思口语topic:a place having o lot of water 怎么说 I accept the terms of the agreement accept a return of the product;or the teachers suggest____ the first plan after____ a meeting.A to accept,havingB accepting,haveChe accept,having Daccept;have 请问:my having sth 是什么语法?例:the odds of my having a baby increased to one in 100 my having 是什么词性,为什么后边接名词? Since having been here ,I have to accept it ,there being no way . Everybody is having a good time after a week of work and study.请问这里的of是什么意思 There are many kinds of metals,____ its special properties.A.each having B.every having C.ea请问each和every的区别 Their wish is()a house of their own 选择to havefor having haveof having请问选哪个理由说下 ____in time ,little Franz was afraid of being scolded.A.Not having come B.Having not come请问为什么选A group by o.ownerid having count(o.id)>=2请问group by 和 小弟愚笨,希望可以详细说下,举个例子 ,也方便理解...