
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 02:43:52


Mummies that "artificial干尸." Translated from the English word mummy, from Persian mumiai, which means "bitumen." There are many parts of the world body with preservative spices, dry in a long time, that is, the formation of the mummy. The ancient Egyptians believe in after death, the soul does not perish, will depend on the body or the statue, so after the death of Pharaoh, etc., are made of the mummy, as the eternal life of the deceased or sesame oil (or drug material) body anti-corrosion coating method, and the mummy in ancient Egypt as the most famous. Corrosion of the ancient Egyptians used spices and look forward to the disposal of the dead body hidden deep memory.
Mummy is the meaning of the original asphalt, refers to a non-decomposed body dry. To the mummy found in Egypt the largest number of the earliest, the most complicated technology. Egyptian mummies in the manufacturing, the first from a dead body with iron out of the nose part of the brains and some drug material injected into the brain washing. Then, using sharp knives, cut in lateroventral a hole, completely out of the viscera, the abdominal clean, broken up by coconut wine and the spices to fill the inside, and then crack like the original better. After finishing this step, then the body of powder in the foam base placed within 70 days, and then washed the body, from head to toe to do with fine linen bandages wrapped it up and painted the outside and then in Egypt are usually used in place of ordinary glue gum, and then the body to the relatives, the relatives made it into the human wooden box, the custodian of the tomb, placed directly against the wall.
Ancient Egypt, when at a very early stage, like to the body of the king or minister made干尸that preserved mummy, there is no high medical standards, can not do this. Ancient China and is different from干尸system in ancient Egypt and even the formation of a trend.

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